Castor School Leaver’s Service – 17th July 2002

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DATA BASE REF: R/C 1012 CASTOR SCHOOL LEAVER’S SERVICE – 17th JULY 2002. INTRODUCTION & WELCOME: WE STAND WHILE THE SCHOOL BANNER IS BROUGHT IN: Cross:   Mark                Candles: Alex and Reece           Banner: Amber             Banner: Kayleigh Minister: Carl                Thurifer: Natalie                        Banner: Holly                Banner: Kane   LEADER: In the name of the Father, the Son and the… Read more »

Castor School Candlemass Service – 2nd Feb. 2000

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DATA BASE REF: R/C 1001 CASTOR SCHOOL CANDLEMASS SERVICE – 2ND FEB. 2000. LEADER: In the name of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit. ALL: Amen. LEADER: The Lord be with you. ALL: And also with you. LEADER:  We remain standing to sing our first hymn:   Jesus, good above all other, gentle… Read more »