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Cross:   Mark                Candles: Alex and Reece           Banner: Amber             Banner: Kayleigh

Minister: Carl                Thurifer: Natalie                        Banner: Holly                Banner: Kane


LEADER: In the name of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit.

ALL: Amen.

LEADER: The Lord be with you.

ALL: And also with you.

LEADER:  We remain standing to sing our first hymn:     Seek ye first


READING:       Kane and Freya



Leavers’ Song

Leavers’ Rap

Musical instruments

Tin whistle:                   Lauren.

Flutes:                           Amber, Amy and Mark:                                     Slave Dance:

Saxophone:                   Freya, Kane, Holly, Claudia and Jenny:               Kum ba ya.

Clarinet:                        Alice                                                                Granite

Stuart.                                                              An Old Tale

LEADER: We remain standing to sing our second hymn:                         Lost and Found


PRESENTATION OF BOOKS:            Mrs. Walker


LEADER: We sit or kneel for the prayers:

After each prayer we say after Lord in your mercy: Hear our prayer.

Prayers for our School:              Amy

Prayers for our Homes:             Ben H

Prayers for Ourselves:               Joe

Prayers for the Leavers:                        Ben P


LEADER: We all say the Lord’s Prayer:

Our Father, who art in heaven,

Hallowed be thy name,

Thy Kingdom come, thy will be done

On earth as it is in heaven.

Give us this day our daily bread;

And forgive us our trespasses

As we forgive those who trespass against us.

And lead us not into temptation,

But deliver us from evil.

For thine is the Kingdom, the power and the glory

For ever and ever. Amen.


LEADER: We all say the Grace.


LEADER: We stand  to sing our final hymn:                   Shine Jesus Shine








Seek ye first the Kingdom of God,

And his righteousness,

And all these things shall be given unto you,

Allelu, alleluia.

            Hallelujah, Hallelujah

            Hallelujah, Hallelu, Hallelujah.


Man shall not live by bread alone,

But by every word,

That proceeds from the mouth of God,

Allelu, alleluia


Ask and it shall be given to you,

Seek and you shall find,

Knock and the door shall be opened up to you.

Allelu, alleluia.




Think of all the things we lose,

So many things, I get confused:

Our pencil sharpeners, favourite books,

Our indoor shoes and outdoor boots,

Pocket money down the drain,

Then felt-tip pens and people’s names.

The worst of all things to be lost

Is just a friend you really trust.


Think of all the things we find,

So many things, I bring to mind:

In lofts and cupboards, if you browse,

Are old tin whistles, acting clothes,

Clocks that used to chime, and bits

Of engines and of building kits:

But even better, I believe,

Is just a friend to share them with.


Think of the times we lose our nerves,

We’re feeling sad and no-one cares:

An empty feeling deep inside,

There’s nowhere else for us to hide.

That’s the time to call a friend

Whom we can never lose again:

There’s one friend who is very near,

A friend who takes away our fear.



Lord the light of your life is shining

In the midst of the darkness shining;

Jesus, Light of the World, shine upon us,

Set us free by the truth you now bring us,

shine on me, shine on me;

Shine , Jesus, shine, fill this land with the Father’s glory,

Blaze spirit, blaze, set our hearts on fire.

Flow, river, flow, flood the nations

with grace and mercy;

send forth your word, Lord, and let there be light


Lord, I come to your awesome presence,

From the shadows into your radiance;

By the blood I may enter your brightness,

Search me, try me, consume all my darkness,

shine on me, shine on me;

Shine , Jesus, shine, fill this land with the Father’s glory,

Blaze spirit, blaze, set our hearts on fire.

Flow, river, flow, flood the nations

with grace and mercy;

send forth your word, Lord, and let there be light


As we gaze on your kingly brightness

So our faces display your likeness,

Ever changing from glory to glory,

Mirrored here may our lives tell your story,

shine on me, shine on me;

Shine , Jesus, shine, fill this land with the Father’s glory,

Blaze spirit, blaze, set our hearts on fire.

Flow, river, flow, flood the nations

with grace and mercy;

send forth your word, Lord, and let there be light