Ref No





From: The Revd William Burke

The Benefice of Castor with Sutton and Upton with Marholm


The Rectory

5 Church Hill





Tel: 01733-380244


24 September, 2002



Thank you for your letter. We happen to have the 1537 – 1740 register in the church at the moment. Usually it is kept at Wooton Park the Northamptonshire County Records Office.

I suggest that if you want to look at the entries at some length (the hand writing is not easy to read) that your son should look at the records there. We will only have the record books with us for another fortnight. I have scanned through the marriages and found the following that may be of interest and relevant. Clearly Sergeant is a very old name in Castor and here-abouts.

All of Castor unless otherwise stated.


10th Nov 1552             Robert Sargeant            married            Cislee Curtis

17th Oct 1555              Isobell Sargeant            married            John Hill

15th Jan 1562               James Sargeant            married             Joannna Killims

30th Apr 1582              James Sargeant            married            Emma Bate

5th Jun 1592                 Jeremy Yewle              married            Joane Sergean

23rd Jun 1606               William Brook  married            Elizabeth Sergeant

9th Oct 1606                Christopher Sergeant            married            Elizabeth Typlady

1st Aug 1611                John Sargeant                       married            Mary Brooks

10th July 1618              Graham Clarke  married            Eme Sergant

17th Nov 1636             Frances Pollard married            …atus Sargeant

10th Feb 1641              Thomas Osborne            married            Agnes Sergeant

12th July 1655              John Sergent             married            Judith Raman

9th Jan 1672                 Richard Hullock            married            Elizabeth Sargent

19th Nov 1673             Joseph Sergeant            married            Grace Garner

4th Aug 1707                Jobias Sergeant            married            Ann Campion                      (both of Ailsworth)

14th Nov 1714             Edward Charter married            Mary Sergeant

11th May 1723             Joseph Sergeant            married            Alice Brackin                        (both of Ailsworth)

13th Mar 1741     Rutland            married            Mary Sergeant

9th Jun 1748                 Thomas Sergeant (Ailsworth)                   Sarah Deckson of G Ferry (Gunwade)

26 May 1750               Wright Sergeant (Castor)                       Mary Dove of Upton

26th June 1750             Matthew Borland            married            Ann Sergeant

28th Jun 1753               John Sergeant            (Ailsworth)                   Ann Chambers

11th Jan 1766               Henry Rokesby (Ringstead)                   Rebecca Sergeant

31st Mar 1766              Christopher Sergeant (Castor)                       Prudence Kingston of Elton

18th Jan 1770               Thomas Sergeant (widower of Ailsworth) Elizabeth Mitchell (widow)

26th Nov 1771                         Richard Almon  married            Elizabeth Sargeant

25th Mar 1776              George Savage married            Sarah Sargeant

3rd Oct 1776                William Sergeant (widower)                    Frances English  (both of Ailsworth)

9th Aug 1794                George Smith                married            Frances Sergeant            (both of Ailsworth)

8th Dec 1795                Caleb Wright              married            Charlotte Sergeant

27th July 1802              William Sergeant (Ailsworth)                   Ann Sergeant

18th Oct 1803              William Newborn            married            Mary Sergeant                       (both of Ailsworth)

9th June 1806               John Sergeant (Castor)                       Catherine Green of St John’s Peterborough



17th Oct 1811              Edward Sergeant (Ailsworth)                   Sarah Brian


Looking at the year gaps, I would say there is a good chance these are all the same family, appearing generation after generation. You could look through the Baptisms and Deaths as well to compare names. The only William Sergeant who would fit the Churchwarden of 1752, is the one who married as a widower on 3rd Oct 1776 to Frances English