Ref No

Castor Burials 1666 - 1694







1666 Apr .. Susanna d John Warren
Feb 5 Loveledge Levy
1667 Aug 3 a stranger
Sept 6 Eliz d Edward Cros*
16 Frances w Richard Collin
Nov 8 widow Pressone*
Sept 22 widow Loving
Dec 12 n.g. w Richard Shaw
16 Sarah d Wm Gray
Jan 8 Peter s John Titley
Feb 26 Grace w John Watson
28 Joan d Richard Etty
29 Isabel w John Dennum
Mar 10 Wm Wilson
10 John Palmer
16 Catherine widow to Samuel P…ter
22 Widow Wetham* w George Wetham
22 Eliz d John Parker
1668 Mar 25 Wm s Wm Fracy
29 Thos Ireland
30 Richard Kingsonn
Aug 10 Wm s Wm Crampe*
25 Samuel Skillinton*
29        d Goodman Axe
Oct 10 Eliz* d Robt Nix
Dec 8 John s Robt Thrapson
Jan 23 Thos and Frances children of Henry Parish
Feb 5 John Espley of A.
Mar 1 Wm s Wm Hankin
23 Ann w Wm Buck
1669 Apr 25 John   of A.
May 30 Emme w Thos Wildboare
June 12 John
23 Alice Turland*
… .. Widow
… .. Widow
An illegible entry
Aug 23 Mary w Daniel Skillington
Sept 1 n.g. w Wm Yates of A.
3 Henry s John Bird
17 Widow Poopelye
28 Peter Martine, mason
Dec 18 widow Morrisse
29 widow Holtum
30 Wm s Wm Inglesbey
Mar 15 Susan Manton
1670 Apr 19 Ann w Roger Casting
July 11 Ann w Thos Cox
28 Roger Casting


1670 Aug 17 Thos Barker*
27 Thos Martine
Oct 15 John s John Titley
Nov 19 Alice Harrison
Mar 10 John Bate of S.
12 Henry Robinson, gent.
12 Hannah* d Thos Gray
Mar 21 The Rt Hon. Lady Jane wife to the Rt Hon. Wm Lord Fitzwilliam; buried Apr 8 1671 (died*)
Mar 24 Robt Atkinson
24 A child of John Broughton
1671 Mar 29 Wm s John Lewin
30 Susan w Richard Wakling
Apr 22 John Wortley of C.
22 widow Dunston of S.
May 27 Ann w Richard Bell
29 Thos s Joseph Chamberlin
June 25 Steven s Robt Thrapson
July 2 Wm Jackson of A.
Aug 29 n.g.w Robt Axe
Oct 8 Eliz Willson
Nov 23 Thos Bate and Ellen his wife
23 widow Waters
23 Ellin w Henry Parrish
Dec 22 Robt Boore
Jan 17 widow Wade & Ann her daughter
23 widow Parrish
31 widow Boore
Feb 4 Wm Cleaton – a traveller
11 George Elsey
23 Robt Thrapson
Mar 18 John Carter
19 Eliz d John Hawkings
1672 Mar 29 Mary d widow Bate
Apr 1 John n.g. ; coachman to the Lord Fitzwilliam
6 Wm Frasey the elder
10 Ann d Edward Crampe
June 2 Eliz d James Watson
3 Jane d John Chamberlin
July 10 Ann d Richard Bell
Aug 4 Richard Fracye
Oct 7 Robt Coolie
27 Kathrine w Richard Edwards
Nov 11 Christopher Harrison
14 John s john Cunworth
Jan 25 Anne (infant) d John Cliffe
Feb 27 John s John Freeman
Mar 11 Jeffery Hawkins, Curate
17 John s John Healy
18 Philip Bihell, servant to widow Carter


1673 Mar 29 John s Lawrence Proctor
Apr 15 Richard s Griffin Norris
17 Wm Winkly
25 Daniel Gardiner
30 John and Richard Winkly
May 15 John Watson of Upton
June 14 Henry Sharp, servant to Thos Power
29 John s John Sargent
Aug .. Judith d Wm Tuson
Sept 9 Wm s Francis Benham*
11 Isabel w Thos Stannock of S.
11 Bridget w George Smitherges* of A.
27 Richard s Richard Bower
28 Ann baseborn d Francis Willes* of S.
Oct 17 Frances baseborn d Frances Wild
Dec 22 Anne d Wm Palmer
Jan 5 Thos Wildbore
30 Ralph Hart
Feb 7 Anne d John Burton
17 Anne d Wm Palmer
23 Robt s Robt Bate
24 Wm palmer
Mar 30 Thos s Thos Edwards
1674 Apr 15 Clement Gibson
23 Eliz d Edward Rycroft
June 25 Anne d Robt Garner
July 18 Phillip w Zachariah Ireland
Sept 14 Edward Rycroft
Nov 6 John s John Briggs
18 Wm Roydon*
Dec 19 Richard s Richard Bell
25 Anne Manton
Jan 22 John Lowth
22 Richard s John Cliffe
Mar 9 Mary Elsey
     T. Wither, Curate
     John Hawkins
     Thos Bore, C/Ws
1675 June 19 Alice Brigs* of Upton
29 Alice d David Bivin, junior
July 23 John s Sam. Skellington
Oct 27 Eliz w Edward Parish of S.
Nov 20 Thos Love
Dec 8 Solomon s Michael Fall
Feb 20 Edward s Henry ..un.
1676 Apr 4 John s John Denham
May 9 Alice w Roger Atkinson
14 Frances d Fran: Denham
July 20 …. W Francis Pollard
Oct 4 Bridget d Francis Winckley
5 Francis Pollard
Nov 13 Mary w John Briggs
14 Eleanor w Samuel Wats


1676 Dec 3 John s John Briggs
6 James baseborn s Helen Wildbore
Feb 9 Eliz w Thos Bogy
10 John s Richard Cole
17 Wm s Robt Shipman
18 Edward s Henry Jordan
21 Henry Parish*
Mar 3 Thos Kisby (Risby*)
23 Jane Wildbore, widow
1677 Apr .. n.g. w Wm Briggs of Upton
Apr 13 Eliz d Wm Goodwin
May 1 Eliz d Richard Kingston
23 Robt Henson
29 Joan Carter, widow of Upton
June 19 Widow Watson the elder
July 8 John Wilson
Aug 26 Robt Atkinson
Sept 18 Jane w John Lewin
21 Francis s Abraham Goodlad
26 Henry s George Blith
Oct 7 Edward Conn of Upton
Dec 7 Ann Garner
12 widow Wiles of S.
Jan 29 n.g. w Robt Turner
Mar 15 Ann d John Lewin
22 Edward Cramp of S.
27 Mary w Godfrey Foe, gent.
1678 Apr 16 John Wilkinson
22 Thos Hawkins senior
May 1 John Henson
June 13 James s James Manton
July 12 John Crosse
                     Thos Wither, Curate
                     John Holman
                      Robt Turney, C/Ws
1678 Burials since the Act for burying in woollen:
Aug 19 Mary w James Manton
Sept 13 John s Wm Briggs, labourer, of Upton
15 Frances d John Neetham, labourer
Oct 1 John Rawlinson, yeoman, of Barsby, Leics
20 Joan d Neetham (mason)
23 Hesekiah Ireland, labourer
Nov 6 Eliz w Elias Wilson, joiner
22 Richard Collins, victualler
27 Joan w George Blyth, victualler
Dec 2 Edward s Edward Wiman, shepherd
4 James Holman, shepherd
Jan 3 Edward Wiman, shepherd
18 Margaret w Robt Lowe, blacksmith
26 Henry s Robt Turney, yeoman, of A.
30 Eliz Norrice of Alwalton


1678 Jan 31 Eliz Bower, widow
Feb 7 Mary d John Bate, labourer
15 Frances w Thos Power, blacksmith
17 Dorothy Sykes, widow
21 Roger Atkinson, labourer
28 Richard Dunstan, shepherd
Mar 10 John Lambert, husbandman of A.
11 Mary w John Walton, labourer of S.
1679 Apr 7 Francis Denham, labourer
May 6 Richard s Wm Deacon, yeoman
June 17 Robt s Michael Hall, shoemaker
Aug 5 Anne d Wm Chamberlaine, labourer
5 Abraham Goodlad, yeoman
8 Anne d Wm Goodwin, labourer
11 Thos s Edward Crosse, labourer
13 Eliz w Henry Jordan, shoemaker
21 John s Richard Cole, labourer
28 Thos Gray, yeoman
Sept 22 Thos Page, labourer
29 Eliz w John Lewin
Thos Wither, Curate
John Holman
Robt Turney, C/Ws
Oct 20 Anne Fracy, of A.
22 John Wilson, labourer
Nov 5 Eliz Martin, widow
Dec 10 James Brittaine, labourer
18 Wm Dunkley, labourer of Upton
20 Eliz w Martin Hyblin
30 Katherine d Wm Goodwin, labourer
30 Thos s Thos Gates, burcher
Feb 6 Richard s John Cole, labourer
21 Helen Cole, widow
1680 Apr 11 Margaret Lowe, spinster
May 2 Anne d Thos Plowright, labourer
June 25 Anne d Richard Walton, labourer
July 25 Grace d Edward Garner
Aug 23 Richard Leigh, yeoman
24 Margaret w Edward Smyth, farmer
Sept 3 Henry s Henry Hunt, farmer of Upton
4 Eliz w Godfrey Boyer, carpenter
Oct 5 Frances d John Ely, labourer
12 Wm s Anne Wilson, widow
12 Robt s John Holman, husbandman
24 Agnes Bate, widow of S.
24 Isabel d Robt Jones, labourer
27 Eliz d Edward Turner, tailor
27 Joyce d Mr John Hawkins
Nov 8 Dorothy d Richard Walton, labourer
Dec 2 Eliz w Edward Pateman
15 Randolph s John Riley, gent. Of S.
20 James Bore, labourer of A.
21 The son (not christened) of Richard Edwards, carpenter


1680 Dec 21 Wm Bolton = grandchild to widow Leigh
Jan 9 Wm s Edward Crosse, labourer
10 Mary w Wm Michel, farmer of S.
12 Richard Smith, labourer of S.
13 Eliz d Richard Collins, labourer of S.
17 Alice d Thos Bates, labourer of S.
18 John s Robt Bates, labourer of S.
19 Alice Johnson, spinster
24 Wm s John Neetham, mason
Thos Wither, Curate
John Holman
Robert Turney, C/Ws
Jan 27 Alice Bate, widow of A.
Feb 1 Mary Thos Gates, butcher
1 Frances w Wm Briggs, labourer of Upton
1 Wm s Wm Fracy, farmer
3 Frances d George Blyth, victualler
13 Margaret w john Burton, labourer
15 Eliz d Wm Ward of S.
22 Robt s Robt Core, shepherd of A.
29 Anne Wilson, widow
Mar 9 John Titley – Parish Clerk & tailor
12 Mary d Robt Turney, farmer of A.
12 Wm s Luke Holmes, labourer
23 Margaret w Luke Holmes, labourer
24 Godfrey Foe, gent.
1681 Apr 3 Margaret d Thos Bennet, labourer
5 Eliz d Thos Garford of S.
21 Eliz w Thos Bore, farmer
23 Anne d Thos Bore
May 13 Lawrence s Lawrence Thompson, farmer of S.
17 John s Thos Powers, blacksmith
June 4 Mary w Thos Rosling, farmer of Upton
9 Wm Royden, tailor
10 Wm Smith, labourer of Upton
13 Thos Dalton, labourer of Peterborough
16 John Healy, carpenter
22 Anne w Richard Core, shepherd of A.
21 Thos Plowright, labourer
22 Anne w Robt Watkin, carpenter
July 12 John Cole, labourer
16 Susannah Smith, widow
18 Robt Watkin, carpenter
23 Anne Barber, widow
Aug 4 Eliz d Wm Burton, yeoman of A.
16 Mary w John Bate, labourer
19 Richard s Michael Fall, shoemaker
Tho: Wither, Curate
Wm Frase
John Gadsby, C/Ws


1681 Aug 21 Eleanor w Michael Hall, shoemaker
27 Emme w Wm Burton, yeoman of A.
30 John Burton, labourer
Sept 3 Jane w Joseph Chamberlaine, gardener
5 Eliz d Wm Fracy, farmer
15 Frances w George Blyth, victualler
20 Robt Bate, labourer of A.
20 Geoffrey Gardiner, labourer of A.
29 Michael Hall, shoemaker
Oct 1 Thos Wither, clerk; Curate of Castor
8 Edward s Edward Turner, tailor of A.
17 Eleanor d Wm Chamberlaine, labourer
18 Eliz d Wm Dunstan, weaver
19 Eliz d Richard Bell, carpenter
24 Susanna w Thos Coulton, miller
28 Mary w Robt Healy, carpenter
28 Susanna Wilson
28 Daniel s Thos Dixon, wheelwright
Nov 5 Mary Manton
8 Eliz Bennet
8 Robt Walton
9 Widow Palmer
23 Robt Healy, carpenter
Dec 2 Mary d James Wilkinson
9 Wm s James & Alice Chamberlaine
12 Eliz w James Wilkinson
14 John Parker
16 Edward Parish of S.
22 Wm Michil of S.
30 Mary d Wm & Anne Fracy
Jan 3 Eliz w George Harrison – a traveller
16 Thos Bennet of C.
29 Francis Emerson of C.
Feb 1 Alice w Wm Upparkes**
3 Thos s Jeffery & Eliz Gardiner of A.
6 Alice d Edward & Alice Gardiner of A.
Jo: Cooper, Curate
Wm Frase
John Gadsby, C/Ws
Feb 24 Thos s Henry & Eliz Hunt of Upton
Mar 3 Eliz Bellamy, widow
9 Jane w John Bird the elder
11 Eliz w Wm Teuson of Upton
24 Wm s Thos & Mabel Bate of S.
1682 Apr 6 Margery Daunicke*, widow of Upton
29 John s John Lewin of A.
May 12 Anne d Wm & Mary Sugar of S.
June 2 Mary d Wm & Mary Sugar
3 Michael s Michael & Anne Selby
July 3 Thos Burton, servant of A.
5 Eliz d Thos Edwards, carpenter of A. & Mary
13 Mary w Robt Axe, labourer of S.
Aug 8 Thos Wildbore
13 Francis s John & Sarah Hawkins
Sept 16 Joan Thompson
24 Wm s John & Alice Wiles of A.
28 Mary d Grace Parish, widow


1682 Oct 4 Katherine Royden, widow of A.
10 Eleanor w Richard Edwards
26 Eliz w Edward Crosse
29 Eliz w Robt Dexter, weaver of A.
Nov 14 Alice d Richard & Virtue Barningham
Dec 1 Margaret Healy, widow of A.
5 Joseph s Thos & Margaret Dixon
13 Mary d Wm Yates of A.
24 Mary d Thos & Mary Rosling of Upton
Jan 3 Mary d Wm & Mary Sugar of S.
11 Eliz Wade of A.
19 Mary Wright of Wittering
30 Eliz w Edward Turner, tailor of A.
Feb 6 Robt Wade of A.
Mar 20 Margaret w Wm Briggs of Upton
1683 Mar 30 Wm Deacon of Belsyes in the parish of C.
Apr 13 Anne Huggins, widow
21 Thos Gardiner of A.
May 6 Eliz Prockter, widow
9 John Collins
27 Henry s Wm & Mary Sugar of S.
31 Eliz d Eliz Bate of A.
June 3 Avis w John Edys
       John Cooper, Curate
       John Bate
       Edward Gardner, C/Ws
June 28 Mary d Matthew & Eliz Edwines
July 2 John Lambert of Benton
12 Amy d Robt & Mary Gardiner of A.
15 Eleanor d Thos & Mary Bate of A.
17 Anne w Thos Powers, blacksmith
21 Henry s Robt & Mary Turney of A.
Aug 17 Eliz Cole, widow of A.
Oct 7 Anne d Eliz Bate, alias King, of A.
15 Robt Lowe
Nov 2 Eliz w Richard Shelton of A.
18 Thos s James & Susanna Wilkinson
22 John Pateman
29 John s John & Eliz Neetham of A.
Dec 10 Mary d Samuel & Margaret Watts
29 John & Alice twins, children of John & Alice Wiles of A.
31 Mary d Francis & Susan Hardicke
Jan 13 Eliz d Wm Briggs of Upton
Feb 1 Mary d Luke Holmes
1 Frances Wiles of S.
3 Jane w John Prockter
5 Edward Kisbye
11 Adam s Adam & Anne Sturgis
29 John Edys
1684 Apr 5 Robt Bower
14 Avis Kingston, widow
June 15 Eliz d John & Eliz Lewin


1684 July 1 Wm Dunstan the elder (weaver)
21 Alice w James Dunstan of A.
22 Robt Shipman
Aug 4 Anne d Francis Winkly the younger & Sarah
Sept 16 Anne w George Bligth
16 Gabriel Barnes of S.
23 Robt s Robt & Anne Jones of S.
Nov 5 Wm s Richard & Eliz Hullucke
12 Thos Brooke, shepherd of S.
20 Wm baseborn s Anne Yates
Dec 5 Anne d Luke & Eliz Holmes
Dec 16 Mary Atkinson of A; widow
24 Samuel Grey
Jan 16 Robt s Robt & Eliz Dexter
Jan 18 George Wright of Upton
             Jo: Cooper, Curate
             Thos* Burton
             Wm Sargent, C/Ws
Jan 24 John s John & Mary Wilson
Feb 2 Margaret d Luke Holmes
18 Lucy w John Ely, labourer
19 Richard Edwards, labourer
20 Anne d John Ely, labourer
22 Eliz d Michael & Susanna Stannion of S.
Mar 5 Alice Edwards
8 Ruth d John & Eliz Lewin
10 Eliz d John & Eve* Ryley of S.
15 Thos Dixon
23 John Ryley of S.
23 Anne Robinson
1685 Mar 29 Eliz Chamberlaine, widow
31 Robt Collins of S.
9 Dorothy w George Briggs
Apr 24 Eliz d Wm Gardiner, carpenter of S.
24 John Palmer the younger of A.
25 Sarah Hart, widow of A.
28 Bridget w Francis Winkley the elder
June 24 Mary w Clement Whitehead the elder of Upton
July 5 Robt Bate of A.
Aug 4 Susanna w Hugh Bore of S.
31 Eliz Twivar* of S.
Sept 9 Wm s Richard & Alice Bayley
22 Richard s Richard & Eliz Bell
Oct 4 John Chamberlaine
24 John s Hugh Bore of S.
Nov 2 Eliz Wilkinson, widow
6 Wm s Thos & Isabel Bore
13 Wm s Thos & Mary Dye of A.
17 Catherine w Wm Ward of S.
Dec 15 Thos s Wm Yates of A.
Jan 18 Jane d Francis & Susana Hardwicke
25 John Barningham
Feb 11 Anne Edys
19 John s Richard & Virtue Barningham
Mar 2 Wm s Clement & Mary Whitehead of Upton (the younger)


1686 Mar 27 Wm Ward of Upton
Apr .. Mary d Wm & Eliz Carter*
12 Robt s Robt Axe of S.
                   Jo: Cooper, Curate
                   Edward Gardiner
                    Wm Sergeant, C/Ws
Apr 14 Eliz w Thos Gardiner of A.
30 John s John & Alice Wiles of A.
May 9 Thos s Thos Rosling of S.
15 Thos Gardiner of A.
June 10 Eliz d Matt: & Eliz Edwins
July 1 Clement Whitehead the elder
30 Catherine d Margaret Dixon
31 Anne w Edward Wigginton, baker
Oct 12 Margaret w Robt Wright of Upton
19 John s Samuel & Margaret Watts
20 Edmund Webster of A.
30 n.g. d Laurence & Susanna Thompson of S.
The following entries are crossed out:
1694 Apr 9 Mary Denham
18 Edward Long of Upton
21 Ann Martin
June 22 Maria Bird of C.
24 the widow Wortly of A.
July 31 John Willson of C.
25 John s Samuel Bradly
Aug 5 John s Thos King of A.
Oct 15 Robt Jones of S.
19 Ann d Hugh Bore