Ref No

Castor Burials 1635 - 1665



1635 Mar 26 Alice Bradshaw
28 Wm s Mathew Rowles
June 23 John Watts
3 Jane d Richard James
9 Daniel Richardson
July 11 Frances w John Huggins*
Nov 20 Agnes w Roger …..
Feb 7 Richard Clarke
10 Agnes d Roger …k..son
14 Wm Lingham
17 Eliz d John Wilson
1636 May 14 Alice d Thos Hodgson
19 Alice d Wm Wilson
June 27 John s John Gardner
July 21 Robt s hugh Waterfall
21 John s George Elsey
Sept 16 Susanna d John Watton (Walton)*
Dec 28 Richard Jarman
Jan 21 Joan w Robt Willesy
Feb 4 Richard Baly
18 John s Jeffery Gardner
19 Mary d James Norton
25 Grace w George hely
1637 May 28 Agnes Lingham, widow
June 5 Grace d Wm Wilson
Aug 27 Eliz d Bartholomew Parish
31 Frances d Thos Haukins
Nov 9 Thos Keyes
27 Eliz Ratly
Dec 11 Hercules Etty
18 Jane w John Walton
Jan 11 Abraham Hely
               Tho: Booker, Curate
1638 Mar 29 Thos Wilbore
Apr 2* Jane w Christopher Steeles*
May .. Thos s Thos Bate
June 6 John Dunston
July 14 Eliz w Richard Colls*
4 Christopher Tayler
5 Joan w John Palmer
Aug 2 Robt Love
11 Eliz w John .o.e
16 Beatrice w Thos Browne
30 Thos Homes
Sept 30 Eliz w George Needham
Oct 14 Robt Nurse
Dec 9 Wm s Wm Marret
18 Richard Steff
28 James Beckingham
Jan 24 John Brookes
Feb 14 Eliz Sudberry, widow
Mar 4 Sara Clarke


1638 Mar 7 Edward Kisby
1639 Apr 12 Henry Lamly
17 Robt s Robt Wilson
May 10 John s James Harrison
June 9 Ann d John Jackson
May 29 Robt Gibbins
July 24 Isabel Taler, widow
Aug 4 Dorothy Barker
6 Richard s Thos & Jane Watton
Sept 29 Ann d Cicely Tuson
Dec 8 Thos Basse
Jan 4 Richard s Loveridge Ley
18 Agnes d John Wilson
Feb 8 Eliz w Robt Rogers
23 Ann d James Harison
Mar 1 John Palmer
15 John s Robt Atkinson
15 Mary w Thos Browne
17 Eliz d Thos Sechill
1640 Mar 30 John Brookes
Apr 7 Thos Meriman
10 John s Thos Gardner
May 7 Christopher s Christopher Sargeant
8 Adam s John Crosse*
11 Susan Norris
12 John s John Love
           Thos Booker, Curate
           John Gardner
           Ralph Hart, C/Ws
May 18* Eliz w Christopher Sargeant
24 Christopher Sargeant
June 7 Agnes d Robt Brookes
July 10 Edward Wade
19 Robt Graunt
Aug 26 Henry Florite
Sept 8 Thos s George Needham
17 Wm Warin
27 John & Henry sons of Wm Royden
Oct 8 Abraham Hely
28 Eliz d Robt Willesey
Nov 23 Joan w Christopher Bower
Dec 20 Wm s Miles Watkin
20 Isabel d Robt Needham
Jan .. Eliz d George Needham
Feb 4 Eliz w Wm Chamberlin
Mar 10 Christopher s Christopher Steeles
16 Joan Bernard
1641 Apr 17 Thos s Nathaniel Skellington
26 Wm s Robt Bower
May 18 Bridget Parker, widow
22 John s John Norton
Sept 6 Mary w Thos Smyth


1641 Sept 8 Jane Wade, widow
26 Rebecca d George Elsey
Oct 30 Eliz w Lovelidge Lea
Nov 30 Maraduke Cole
Jan 2 Robt s Roger Bulker
Mar 3 Jane w Thos Watton
1642 May 16 Rachel Hakeman
17 Eliz d Edward Kisbye
22 Eliz d Wm Wilson
June 18 Thos s Robt Brookes
July 20 Eliz d John Warin
Aug 2 Edward Kisbye
Oct 2 Joan w John Louth
Nov 8 Robt Kisbye
8 Isabel w John Hely
19 n.g. d Lawrence Procter
       Tho: Booker, Curate
       William Miller, C/Ws
1643 May 4        d
June 8 Grace w Thos Gardner
Aug .. Grace d Thos Browne
Nov 5 Margaret d John Wilson the elder
Dec 1 n.g.
1644 May 16 Alice Love*, widow
Dec 21 Wm Chamberlin
25 Philip daughter of Katherine Wildbore, widow
25 Dorothy Slarke*
Jan 10 Eliz w John Lambert
1645 Sept 6 Eliz d Eliz Keyes, widow
Sept 11 Robt Finimore
Oct 14 Mary Bore
1646 Dec 22 d widow Killingworth
June 12 Margaret w Wm Miller
July 16 Alice w Robt Barnard
Sept 20 Nicholas Balm*
Sept 15              Bower
Jan 12              Warin, widow
1647 Apr 11 Christopher Bower
Mar 16 Anne* d John Wortley
Sept 12 Alice Smith, widow
Oct 8 Anne w Nicholas Segrave
12 Catherine w Robt Plowright
16 Margaret w Robt Curties
28 Thos s Francis Pollard


1647 Nov 4 Anne w Wm Yaxley*
7 Jeremiah s Thos Brooks
16 Thos Etty
Dec 30 Anthony Witte
1648 Mar 28 Margaret w Robt Cave*
Apr 20                W Thos Love
(King Charles 2nd began his reign January 30th)
Aug 3 Wm Sherman
Nov 4 Ellin w Bartholomew Gardner
13 Ellin Sergent, widow
Jan 3 Robt Hill
13 John s Katherine Wakelin
25 Wm Giddin
Feb 5 Dorothy Wright
18 Robt Barnard
23 Thos Watton
23 Robt Plowright
26 Jacob Crose
1649 Apr 1 Susanna d John Waren
6 George s John Palmer
8 John Hely
May 1 Mary Greenam
27 Prudence Crosse
Aug 8 Ellin Donston
Aug .. John Hodgings s John Hodging
Sept .. Mary w John Sergent
29 John Tisome*
… .. John s John Wotton*
Oct .. Anna w Roger Bulker
Oct 18 Robt Wotton
Mar 15 John s John Bass
25 Richard* James
25 Rachel Person
1650 May 14 Henry Steif*
Aug 9 Wm s Thos Waren
Oct 15 Sarah Chamberlain, widow
Nov 23 Amy* d John Cole
23 Susan w Nathaniel Skillington
Dec 20 Anna Royden, widow
Jan 15 Peter Brittaine
18 Eliz d Wm Grey
27 Antony s James Manton
Feb 17* Ellin w Richard Etty
23 Eliz d Wm Yates
Mar 12 Richard s Francis Pollard
1651 Apr 17 Antony Sharp
28 Henry Sharpe s Antony
June 7 Richard Colles


1651 June 8 James Elidg*
27 Deborah* w Joseph Needham (Niedham)
Aug 27 Thos s Anthony King
Sept 20 John Willson
Oct 3 George Write
Nov 2 Wm s Robt Niedham
3 Robt s Robt Boware
26 John s John Lambeard
27 Mary d John Thomason
28 Ann Drake
Dec 7 James s Thos Bate
16 Susanna d John Bullemor
23 Richard s Wm Warrnd (Warren*)
25 Grace d Lovelidge Leay
28 Eliz d Robt Wade
Jan 1 Frances d Wm Yates* (Gates)
11 Wm s Wm Yates* (Gates)
15 Eliz w John Wilkinson
22 Samuel s widow Wright of A..
23 Margaret Warren, widow
27 Thos s James Harrison
Mar 17 Dorothy Wright, widow
1652 Apr 17 Thos s Thos Holmes
May 1 Eliz w George Palmer
24 John s James Harrison
24 Wm s Christopher Steeles*
July 1 Mary d Robt Walton
21 Wm s George Palmer
27 Ellin w George Elsey
Aug 31 Amy w Thos Warren
Sept 5 Edward s Wm Royden
24 Widow Case*
Oct 3 Sarah d Miles Watkin
29 Sarah w Jeffery Grey
29 Wm Miller of A.
Dec .1* Dorothy* w Michael Bate(s)
Dec 5 John Wilson
Jan 15 John s Robt Coale
22 Judith w John Bullimore
Feb 2 Francis s Anthony Sharpe
5 Wm Mattocke* servant to Mr Wyldbore
23 Robt ….ham
26 Joseph s Robt Brooks
Mar 3 Janice Wright of A.
1653 Mar 26 A… d Richard Etty
26 Anne w John Green
Apr 15 Thos Wright of A.
Aug 31 Richard Etty
31 Margaret Wise, widow
Sept 3 Joan Wright, widow
22 Mary w John Popelie
24 Joan w John Walton
Oct 11 Mary w Samuel L.vat*


1653 Oct 12 Kathren w John Dr…
28 Jeffery Grinn of A.
29 Rose Cox, widow of S.
31 John Grinn
Nov 4 Robt s Thos Barkar
7 Eliz w Christopher Thursey, Esq.
8 John Gardnar the elder
11 Nicholas s Duke Thurrowood
24 John Bembrose
Dec 14 Robt s Ellin Watton
18 Robt s Thos Dockerrie
19 Eliz d Henry Newum, blacksmith of S.
Feb 9 John Houlkins* of Belses
10 John s Richard Walton
12 Eliz w Christopher Steeles
28 James lambert of A.
Mar 6 Ann w Robt Atkinson
10 Seth s Edmond Spinckes, clerk
10 Agnes d Lawrence Procter
24 James Grimes of Gunward Ferry
1654 Mar 27 Eliz Chrittaine, widow
30 n.g. s Thos Turner
Apr 2 Christopher Bower
Apr .. Wm s Wm Dunston
Apr .. Mary d George E.sie
Apr 9 Eliz d Thos Kisbie
10 Joan w Wm Baylie
10 Ralph s John Lough the elder
15 Grace w Edward Gardner
26 Thos Dove, Esq
30 Ann d Robt Bennett
May 7 Thos Hodgson
14 Richard Baylie
16 Alice d Vincent Finimore (‘under floor below the north door*’)
21 Eliz d Robt Butcher
25 John Wilbore the elder
28 Jane Stevens, widow
June .. Hannah w John Sergent the younger
June 4 Thos s Thos Wilbore
7 John Huggins
10 Wm Baylie
16 Eliz w Robt Smith of A.
17 Alice w Wm Wilson
25 Abigail w Robt Brookes
30 Jeffery s Wm Gardner of S.
July 1 Jane d Wm Wilson
21 Nathaniel Skellington of A.
Aug .. Booz s Thos Sechell
23 Jeffery s Thos Kisbie
30 Cecily Tuson, widow of Upton
30 Joan Freeman of A.
Sept 10 Robt Bate of A.
17 Francis s Francis Pollard
Oct 4 Ann Walton d Gratian*
7 Richard Colles of Upton


1654 Oct 8 Wm Scotnie of A.
26 Grace Scotnie w Wm
Dec 26 Bridget Gidding, widow
21 Wm Skellington of Upton
22 Margaret w Richard Norris
26 Ann d Zachary Ireland
26 Ann d John Barker
28 Frances w Francis Watson of Upton
Jan 14 Wm Suthwell – a stranger
14 Mary d John Balam, gent.
20 Robt s Robt Bower
24 Ann d John Lough the younger
29 Thos Browne
Feb .. Mary d Wm Gardner the younger
Mar 1 Thos Waren, blacksmith
4 Bridget Core d Richard
1655 Mar 29 Ann d John
Apr 8 John Jackson
July 17 Joan Miller, widow of A.
Aug 4 John Robinson
29 Robt Brookes the elder
Sept 15 Thos Wilson
28 Jane d Thos Ireland
Oct 28 Ann d Robt Smith
Nov 2 Wm Wilson
Dec 17 John s John Walton
19 Edward s John Barker
27 Robt Walton
Jan 1 John Bird the elder
Feb 16 Eliz Keases, widow
19 Robt s Thos Setchell
Mar 1 Solomon Marshall of S.
1656 May .. Mary d Jeffery Gray
June 5          w Thos Kisbie
7 Mary w Robt Smith
14 Lawrance Procter
July 6 Eliz d Zachary Ireland
Aug 10 Eliz Westell, widow
14 Eliz w Thos Cramp
15 Margery Harris w Richard
28 Ann d Thos Hill
Nov 6 Samuel Larrat
Dec 12 Ann Chaplin, widow (gentlewoman)
14 John Speeche
1657 May 19 Henry Warner servant to John Browning of A.
June 23 John Walton of S.
July 1 Wm s Jeffery Gardner
Aug 2 Mary w Wm Gardner the elder
2 Susanna w John Campion
9 Mrs Eliz Dove, widow of U.. buried at U.
9 Richard Burrell of U. (gardener)
11 Katherine Wilbore, widow


1657 Aug 11 John Barker of S.
15 Charles Lister, gent., of S.
20 Richard s Francis Winckles
Sept 3 Henry Dunston of S.
6 Katherine w Thos Bogie
10 n.g. w Richard Dufnam of S.
12 Eliz d Richard Core
19 John s Thos Burton of A.
Oct 14 Richard Bower
19 Jane Bird, widow
25 Edward Gardner
7 Robt Smith
Nov 14 Margaret King (kinswoman to Anthony King, gent.)
Nov 17 Marie d Thos Ireland of Milton
Dec 3          W Richard Norris of Alwalton
6 John s Eliz Marshall, widow of S.
18 John Drake of S.
19 John Holmes of Milton
22 Grace* d Thos Wilbore
31 Winifred Denham. Widow
Jan 8 Isabel w Ralph Heart of A.
16 Robt Wilson
26 Peter Everton servant to Mr Spincks
Feb 2 Cuthbert Bennet gardener of Milton
5 Eliz d George Palmer
6 Grace w John Gardner
8 Marie w John Wells
10 John Sergeant the elder
16 Katherine Smith
18 Mathew Rowles
20 Jeffery Gray the elder
20 Robt Carter of U.
27 Robt Smart
27 Bridget w John Houlton of Belsise Lodge
Mar 9 Agnes Farrant, widow of U.
12 Wm Hill of A.
16 John Popelay, clerk, of S.
16 John s John Waren
20 Ellin w Bartholomew
1658 Mar 26 Margaret d James Manton
27 Katherine Gibson, widow
Apr 12 Anthony King, gent.
18 …eathe w John Bird
May 1 Francis (Frances*) Newbone of S.
8 Francis Deareman
21 George Palmer
23 Eliz w Roger Bulker
27 John Walton
June 18 Wm Brittaine
June .. Jane w Wm Parker
June 23 Thos Bate of U.
19 John s Robt Atkinson the younger
29 Edward Laurington
July 16 Judith Bate, widow of Upton
Aug 2 John Tayler of A.



1658 Aug 20 Ann Tayler, widow of A.
21 Ann Walton, widow
25 Katherine Sherman, widow
27 Eliz d Richard Core
Sept 1 Ann d Wm Miller
26 n.g. Drake of S.
Sept 2 Thos Fracie of A.
Oct 3 John s Wm Grey*
21 Agnes Rowlie*, widow
Nov 2 Eliz d Richard Fracie*
Dec 17 Simon Bird
5 Margaret Burton
5 Grace Robinson
7 Eliz Hill, widow
3 (8*) John Hinson
28 Wm s Edmond Spinckes
Jan 3 Sarah Dodson
7 Mark Cooke
12 Bridget Lambert, widow
16 Alice w Hugh Elam
25 Eliz d Richard Edwards
Feb 4 Eliz Tyson*, widow
14 Rebecca Love, widow
19 Thos Elsey
Mar 2 Hannah d widow Brittain
4 Wm s widow Hinson
1659 Apr 2 Robt Atkinson
18 John s Duke Through…
29 Grace w John Burton
May 6 Mary w Edward Wymand
9 Abeil* Gates s Thos
16 Alice Fracie, widow of A.
26 Michael Baker
30 John s Robt Brookes
June 3 Jane w Wm Gray (Grey*)
9 Wm s John Burton*
14 John Fish*
25 Dorothy Peter, widow
July 10 Bartholomew Parish
30 Mary d Gratian Walton
30 Anne (Amy*) d Wm Wilson
31 Eliz Thrapson d Robt
Aug 5 Eliz Bower, widow
18 John Warin
Sept 3 Joan w James Bate
Sept 25 Mary Balyon, widow
Oct 23 Anne w Wm Wilson
23 Alice d Wm Wilson
Nov 6 Tliz d Thos Crampe
6 Thos s Thos Barkar
Dec 29 Francis s Francis Pollard
1660 Apr 13 Henry Wilson, servant to Edmond Spinckes
20 Eliz Hodson
June 22 Anne* d John Hely


1660 Oct 24 Eliz w Jeffery Grey*
Nov 10 Eliz w Thos Burton
Dec 10 Garner*
Jan 4 George Nedham
5 Mary wife of John Seagrave
20 Bartholomew Gardner
Feb 2 Jane, widow Holltund’s daughter (*)
Mar .. Duke Thorrogood, gentleman
1661 Mar 30 Ann King, gentlewoman (widow to Anthony King)
Mar .. Thos s Wm Dunston
Apr 15 James Bate of A.
May 9 Ralph Smith of A.
23 John Wells
June 29 Thos s Roger .asting
July 1 n.g. Rowell, gentlewoman
July 7 Wm Bird*
9 Eliz Wiman
Aug 13 Ann d Wm Willson
15 Isabel w Wm Foont
14 Susannah d John Warring
Sept 14 Jonathan Waring
14 Sarah Parish
20 Eliz w Wm Houlding
30 Wm Milles of C.
30 Amy d John Healy
Jan 1 Catherine d John Procter
24* Richard Norris
25 Avis d Richard Kingford*
Feb 1 Anne d Robt Burton
24 Mary d Robt Wade
n.g. John, a poor boy, said to be the son of one in Whitlesey, was buried in time of Harvest
Feb n.g. Frances d Robt Wade   (A)
Mar 1 Mary w Wm Palmer       (A)
10 Thos s Wm Norris         (A)
17 Wm Cooke, cottager of S.
1662 Mar 28 Wm Palmer s Wm
Apr .. John Robt Thrapson
May 7 Sarah Miles Watkin
9 Thos s Thos Maddison (S)
10 Robt Row, servant to the Lady Fitzwilliam of Milton
May .. Eliz d Dennis* Hine (A.)
May 31 Mark s Wm Cooper (Cooker*) of S.
June 14 n.g. w Thos Core of Upton
17 Robt Wade, mason, of A.
25 Samuel s Jeffery Gray of C.
July 22 Faith d Samuel Larret of C.
30 n.g. w Robt Watkin, carpenter of C.
Aug 18 Thos Sachell (churchwarden) of A.
26 John s Francis Denham* of C.
29 Adam Core s Richard of C.
Sept 14 Goodman Waters of A.


1662 Sept 27 n.g. w Nicholas Seagrave
Pct 10 Richard Freeman of S.
31 George Healy of A.
Mov 17 Widow Dennan of S.
Sept 28 Widow Dodson of A.
Jan 21 Anne d Wm Garner of S.
Feb 3 James s widow Smith of A.
19 Frances w Thos Islip of A.
25 John Tomson of C.
27 Edwina Yates of C.
28 Goodman Weston of A.
Mar 10 Samuel & Ann children of Samuel Skellington
1663 Apr 22 John Love
26 Frances Yates
May 3 Thos Bell
Aug 10 Anthony Bellamye
23 Bridget s John & Bridget Sargeant
Nov 6 Mary Etty
Jan 26 Wm Garner of A.
Mar 15 Miles Watkin s Robt Watkin
20 Cicely James
23 John s John Blake
23 Francis base son of Alice Tomson
1664 Mar 27 Richard s Thos Bate of A.
Apr 1 Eliz widow of John Warrin
May 27 Eliz Watkin
June 13 Edward s Thos & Sarah Kisby
Aug 24 Thos Walton
Oct 8 John s John Edis (Eedis)
18 Grace w Robt Healey
25* John Broughton servant to Richard Holtam
Nov 17 Eliz d Thos Barker
Jan .. Widow Killingley of S.
Jan .. Jeffery s Jeffery Grey the younger
Jan 28 John s John …ley
Feb 7 John Brookes
16 Wm s Joseph Chamberleyne
21 Thos base son of Martha Love
Mar 1 Matha d John Sargeant
Mar .. Robt s Robt Garner
1665 … .. Wm Leeson’s wife Dorothy
… .. Mary d Margaret Baker
Sept .. James s Wm Dunston
Sept .. Widow Louthe
Nov 29 n.g. w Richard Collins
Jan 6 Widow Nitom
Feb 5 John Louthe
16 Eliz Chamberlane