Ref No

Castor Baptisms 1698 - 1728



Apr 3 Susanna d James Wilkinson
July 31 Adam s Adam & Grace Core
Aug 14 John s John Pacy of A.
Sept 22 John s Wm & Rose Chamberlaine
22 Wm and Henry sons of Robt & Katherine Wright
18 Mary d John & Eliz Ryecraft of Belsye
Nov 6 Sibyl d john & Eliz Burton
21 Ann d Griffin & Eliz Popely
21 John s Edward Holman
20 Ann d Thos & Marta Lenton
…ber 21 Thos s John & Ann Yates
Dec 30 Wm and Eliz children of John & Mary Death of C.
Jan 1 Christopher s Robt & Eliz Stavely
9 Eliz d Tobias & Eliz Nichols
16 Eliz d Mathew & Eliz Bunning of C.
16 John s Wm & Eliz Winter of C.
Feb 5 Eliz d Thos Mason of C.
Mar 12 Lawrence s Thos & Bridget Burton of Sutton
Mar 29 Martha d Wm Gardner, junior, of Sutton
Apr 23 Thos s Thos Powers, junior
July 9 Thos s John Jackson of A.
Aug 20 Sergeant s John Dunstan of C.
July 28 Eleanor & Mary daughters of John White of C.
… .. John s Robt Stritton of C.
Sept 22 Margaret d Edward Wigginton of C.
Nov 10 Ann d Robt & Catharine Wright
26 Ann d Mathew & Eliz Eddies* of C.l
n.g. Thos s Wm & Eliz Thompson of A.
Jan 21 Ann d Samuel & Ann Bradley of C.
28 Eliz d John & Eliz Broughton of A.
28 Mary d Jeffery & Mary Bate of A.
30 Edward s Edward Holman
Feb 12 Wm and John sons of John & Mary Death of C.
Mar 8 Boniface s Thos & Edith Watkinson of C.
Jan 15 n.g.       of John & Mary Handkin of Sutton
Apr 4              s James & Catherine Crofts
8              s John & Eliz Ryecroft of Belseys
May 5 Wm s Widow Watson of C.
12 Charles s John & Eliz Wilkinson of C.
June 4 Alice d Thos & Alice Powers of C.
Sept 1 Thos s John & Eliz Burton of A.
22 Ann d john &B Eliz Nichols of C.
Oct 13 Jane d Henry & Frances Beaumont of S.
Sept 22 Jane d Wm & Rose Chamberlain of C.
Dec 18 Ann d James Wilkinson of C.
Jan 14 Joseph s Joseph Chamberlain of C.
19 Martha d John Atkinson of A.
Jan 26 Mary d John Broughton of A.
Mar 9 Mary d Richard Edice of A.
16 Wm s Wm & Eliz Thompson of A.
23 Ann d Thos Mason of A.
Mar 25 Mary d John Walton of C.


May 18 James s John & Ann Gates (Yates*)
Apr 27 Thos s Thos Bourton of S.
May 25 Wm s Robt Stavely of A.
July 17 John s John & Eliz Rycroft of Belsyes
20 Wm s Edward Holman of C.
20 Wm s Thos Watkinson of C.
Aug 24 Hannah d Robt & Catherine Wright
Oct 5 James s Thos Powers of C.
25 Mary & Hannah daughters of John Cross, labourer, of C.
Nov 30 Eliz d Wm Snarey, labourer, & Jane of C.
Dec 21 Theophilus s Adam Core, tailor, of C.
Jan 4 (pr) Richard bastard son of Wm Goowyn’s wife
15 Jane d John & Eliz Broughton of A.
31 Mary d Henry & Frances Beaumont of S.
Feb 1 Thos s James Wilkinson, carpenter, of C.
15 Eliz d George Newcomb of C.
Mar 22 James s Wm & Eliz Winter of C.
20 (priv) Lawrence s   Wm & Eliz Tthompson of A.
Susanna d
May 17 John s John & Eliz White of C.
7 June Eliz d John & Mary Jackson of A.
28 Mary d Robt & Frances Stretton of C.
Aug 24 John base son of John Wollerson of C.
9 Wm s Robt & Eliz Stapley of A.
Sept 21 Frances d Benjamin & Catherine Burton of A.
28 Anne d John & Eliz Cozins (labourer) of C.
Nov 8 Wm s Mathew & Eleanor Bunning (labourer) of C.
Jan 24 John s John (labourer) & Anne Cross of C.
Nov 28 Samuel s John & Eliz Sturges (travelers)
Jan .. (priv) Samuel s John & Eliz Wilkiinson of C. (carpenter)
Feb .. Anne d Samuel & Anne Bradley of C. (miller)
… .. Joseph s Thos Powers, junior, (blacksmith) & Alice of C.
Apr 25 Robt s John (labourer) Broughton & Eliz of C.
May 27 Thos bastard son of Eliz Ely of C.
31 Wm s Wm & Rose Chamberlain (tailor) of C.
June 13 Eliz d Thos & Susanna Watkinson of C. (baker)
Aug 15 Eleanor d James Wilkinson (carpenter) & Susana of C.
Sept 12 John s John Edwards (carpenter) & Alice of A.
Oct 10 Wm s Jeffery & Mary Bate of A.
31 James s Edward Holman of C.
Dec 15 Eliz d Robt & Catherine Wright of C.
25 Susannah d Wm & Eliz Thompson of A.
Jan 19 Sarah d Robt & Frances Stretton (labourer) of C.
Feb 13 Anne d Michael Whetton, labourer, & Mary of C.
13 Eliz d John Cozins, labourer, & Eliz of C.
20 George s George Miller, labourer, of A.


Mar .. Richard s Thos & Sarah Bennett (labourer) of C.
Apr 17 James s James & Eliz of Fletton (aged 21 years;
               Gates (extinct)
June .. Mary d Wm & Rose Chamberlain (tailor) of C.
11 Susannah d Wm & Anne Moseley (weaver) of C.
Sept .. Wm s Griffin & Eliz (labourer) Popely of A.
Oct 8 Hannah d John Cross, labourer, & Anne of C.
Nov 26 Wm s Robt & Shonnet Shipman
Dec 22 Joseph s John & Mary Death of C.
Jan 14 Mary d John & Constance Browning
May .. Mary*
Feb 5 Matthew and John sons of Matthew & Eleanor Bunning of C.
11 Mary d Eliz Nicholls & Tobias
11 (priv) John s Wm & Eliz Waren of C.
Mar 4 Ann d John & Alice Edwards of A.
6 John s Thos & Alice Powers of C.
May 28 Mary d John & Hannah Fox of Sutton
Apr 1 Amy d John & Eliz Broughton of A.
21 Mary d Benjamin & Katherine Burton of A.
May 11 Ann d Edward Holman
Oct 7 John s John & Eliz Dunston of C.
12 Jane d John & Mary Pacey
Nov 11 Eliz d Frances & Dorothy Moore
Dec 24 Eliz d John & Constance Browning of C.
Feb 10 John s Robt & Eliz Stapely of A.
14 Mary the bastard daughter of Ann Gooding
Mar 3 Mary d John & Mary Peake of C.
10 John s John & Virtue Norman of C.
21 Christopher s Robt & Catherine Wright
24 Catherine d Wm & Eliz Warren
Mar 28 Wm s Eliz & Wm Thompson of A.
Apr 1 Mary d Mr Henry Watts of Gunworth Ferry
5 Thos s Thos & Hannah Hulker* of C.
21 Thos s Thos Bennett of C.
May 12 a daughter of Thos & Mary King of A.
June 4 Eliz d Peter & Jane Ashton of A.
9 John s George Miller, labourer
Aug 25 John s Stephen Skelton of C.
Sept 1 Robt s Robt Shipman of C.
8 Mary d John Cross of C.
10 Wm s Edward Holman
Oct 6 Eliz d John Walton
Nov 3 Thos s John Edwards of A.
11 Eliz d Thos Powers of C.
Feb 4 Catherine* d Miles Watkin of C.
Jan 8 Francis s Francis More of C.
Feb 9 Wm s Wm Mozeley of C.
Mar 13 Eliz d Tobias Nicholls


May 5 John s Thos Bate of A.
Oct 9 John s Wm Scot
Jan 4 Thos s Griffin Popely
4 (priv) John s Jeffery Bate
26 John s John & Mary Peak
26 Francis bastard son of Anne Goodwin
16 Wm s Wm Snary*
Feb 7 Robt s Robt Stapely of A.
22 Anne & Eliz daughters (twins) of Thos Cross of C.
Apr 5 Mary d Francis More
8 Eliz d John Sergeant
Aug 1 Thos s Robt Bywaters
1 n.g. s Thos Bennet
1 Eliz d Wm Waring
8 Eliz d Edward Courmey
Aug .. Alice d Jno Tory* of C.
Sept 15 Jno s Jno Brown of C.
12 Alice d John Edwards of A.
Oct 17 Wm s Francis Clare
24 Eliz d John Cosins
24 Mary d Robt Shipman
Nov 7 Thos s John Pacy of A.
Jan 25 Mary d Thos Powers
Mar 7 Wm s John Peak
Feb 26 Wm s Robt Bywaters
May 10 (privately baptised by a Presbyterian parson): Robert son of Thos King
June 5 Wm s Francis More (privately baptised)
Oct 2 Wm s Wm Waring
Dec 7 Nathaniel bastard s Eliz Bateman
Oct 30 Eliz d Edward Holman
Oct 3 Wm s John Dunstan
Aug 6 Margaret d Francis Moor
20 Esther d Joseph Sergeant of A.
Nov 2 Abigail d Miles Watkin
29 Thos s Thos Bate
Dec 24 Robt s Robt Milner
28 John s Wm Snary
Nov 26 Wm s Thos Bennet
Jan 21 James s Robt Shipman
23 Frances d Thos Munny
Feb 25 Isaac s John Cross
25 Mary d Wm Sergeant
Apr 22 James s John Pacy
May 10 Eliz d John Neetham of A.
Oct 11 John s John & Sarah Axxe of S.
May 28 ‘baptised by me’ at Sutton : Wm s Clement & Eliz Thompson
June 11 Mary d Edward Holman


Aug 19 Susan s James Wilkinson
Sept 22 James s John Cosens
30 Wm s Wm Scot
Nov 30 James s John Brackin
Jan 2 John s John Peak
Feb 17 Thomasin d Tobias Nicols
Mar 16 Mary d Adam Johnson
Apr 6 Griffin s Griffin Popely
May 11 Francis s Francis More
June 20 Bridget d Thos Munny
Aug 3 Francis s Francis Clare
3 Mary d Joseph Sergeant
17 Robt s Thos Bore
June 12 John s Thos Barker
Oct 26 Mary d Robt Bywaters
Nov 16 John s Wm Mitchel
16 John s John Johnson of A.
Jan 18 Anne d Wm Sergeant of A.
25 John s Robt Bate
Feb 14 Mary d Thos Bennet
Mar 1 Eliz d Robt Shipman
8 John s John Hasleby
8 Thos s John Edwards
Apr 22 John s John Bell
Sept 6 Robt s Francis More
Oct 11 James s Thos Davy of Belsy’s
12 John s John Brackin
Nov 17 Richard s Thos Munny
Dec 18 George s Wm Michael
Jan 7 Jane d Thos King of A.
14 Eliz d John Peak
Mar 7 Thos s Thos Bore
Apr 4 Eliz d Wm Rhodes
4 Robt s Robt Bywater
May 16 Eliz d Wm Scot
20 Wm s Robt Bate
June 6 Anne d Thos Christopher
Sept 16 John s Thos Dawkins of C.
Feb 6 Wm s Wm Mitchel
Oct 27 John s Wm Jackson (private baptism)
31 (priv) Wm s Wm Smith
Nov 21 John s George Spurr
Feb*20 Thos s
… 13 John s Wm W…..
Mar 24 Thos s Thos Davy of Belsys
Mar 27 John s John Clark
May*1 John s Thos A…..
Apr 10 Wm s Wm                   of A.
Aug 21 Robt and Frances s & d Thos Bennit (private b.)


Sept 11 John s John Needham
15 (priv) Alice d Thos King
20 (priv) Mary d Richard Martin
Oct 9 (priv) Rose d Wm & Frances Smith
16 Sarah d Robt Shipman
23 Richard s John Bell
25 John s Thos & Mary Bore
Nov 22 Clement s Thos & Ann Bate
Jan 12 Thos s Thos Mawby of Gunwade Ferry
16 Robt s John Peak
22 Thos s Thos Money
Feb 5 Eliz d Wm S.are
18 Eliz d John Dunstan
26 Burges d Robt Milner
26 Richard s Richard Wade
Mar 4 Thos s Thos Christopher
18 Wm s Robt Bywaters
Apr 1 Hannah d John & Hannah Fox
1 Joseph s         Sergeant
2 Mary d Peter* Bate
29 Grancis & John sons of Francis More
May 9 Wm s Wm Rhodes (privately baptised)
27 Alice d Joseph & Mary Gregory (travellers)
June 20 Thos s Wm & Mary Santler (privately)
July 21 Wm s John & Susannah Procter (privately)
Aug 14 Anthony s Henry & Mary Bedell
Sept 2 Jane d John & Jane Jackson
9 Thos s Thos Dawkins
Oct 14 Eliz d John Brackin
16 Ann d Thos Pooley
28 John s Thos King
Nov 4 Eliz d Richard Martin
25 Thos s Wm & Mary Coap*
Dec 22 Wm s Wm & Eliz Wilson
Mar 3 Wm s John Clarke
Apr 21 Eliz d George Spurr of A.
May 19 Frances d Wm Jackson
June 19 Thos & Rebecca children of Robt Stapely of A.
30 John s Wm Sergeant of A.
July 21 John bastard son of Catherine Kipping
Aug 18 Thos s Wm Scot
18 Ann d James Wilkinson
25 Rebecca d Wm Potts
Sept 1 Mary d Henry Gregory
8 John s Charles & Ann Smith
25 Ann d John Beetham
Oct 6 Ann d Thos & Mary Bore
20 Mary d Wm Smith
Nov 14 Sarah d Thos & Martha Griffin
Dec 25 Henry s John Bell
25 John s Francis Woodward
Feb 9 (priv) Wm s Wm Sergeant
13 (priv) Ann d Wm & Eliz Wilson
16 Thos s Robt Shipman
Mar 3 Robt s Robt Bate
23 Eliz d John Proctor


Apr 4 (priv) Wm s Thos King of A.
13 John s Thos Christopher
20 (priv) Eliz d Wm & Mary Coap
July 20 George s Thos Dawkins
20 Mary d Wm & Mary Santler
27 Michael s Miles Stanion
Aug 31 (priv) Wm baseborn child of Eliz Newcomb
Oct 1 Eliz d Thos & Catherine Chamberlain
Nov 18 (priv) Wm s Francis More
27 (priv) Ann d Francis More
Dec 16 Thos s Thos Pooley
Jan 12 Jane d Wm & Eliz Garner of S.
Feb 15 John s john Wilkinson
15 Eliz d Wm Sergeant of A.
18 (priv) Wm s Wm & Eliz Wilson
22 Eliz d Robt Bywaters
Mar 8 Ann d Richard Martin
14 Maryd George Spurr of A.
14 Alice d Wm Snary
Hen: Bedell, Curate
Robt Wright & William Thompson, C/Ws
Apr 5 Wm s John Brackin of A.
May … Penelope d Henry & Mary Bedell
June 14 John s Wm Potts
July 2 Mary d Wm & Mary Sergeant
Aug 9 Wm s John & Jane Jackson
Aug 17 (priv) Thos s James & Eliz Tyler
Sept 27 George s John Clarke
27 Mary Ann d Robt Stavely of A.
Oct 4 (priv) John s Joseph Sergeant
4 Martha d Wm Mitchel
Nov 29 Ann d John Procter
Dec 27 Christopher s John Needham of A.
Jan .. (priv) Thos s John & Eliz Shelston of A.
Jan .. (priv) Wm s Charles & Ann Smith of C.
The Hon. Wm Fitzwilliam Esq., commonly called Lord Milton, son of the Rt Hon.
John Earl Fitzwilliam & the Lady Ann his wife was born in Kensington parish in
Middlesex near London the 15th of Jan. 1719-20, and was baptized there the
next day.
Feb 21 Thos s Wm & Mary Coap
Mar 13 John s Thos Shelston of A.
14 John s Francis Woodward
May 15 Eliz d Wm & Mary Claypole
24* Penelope d Henry & Mary Bedell
Sept 12 Mary d John & Ann Barrat*
12 Ann d Wm Wells of C.
Nov 13 John s Robt Shipman
17 John s Clement & Ann Whitehead of Upton
Dec 1 Wm s Wm & Eliz Setchel of A.
25 Richard s Richard Martin of C.
26 John s Miles Stanion of C.


Jan 3 Richard s Thos & Rose Smith of C.
23 Wm s Wm & Mary Sergeant of C.
Feb 5 John s Robt Stavely of A.
6 (priv) Eliz d John Clarke
19 Eliz d John Wilkinson
26 Wm s Thos & Mary Bore of A.
Mar 6 (priv) Thos s Thos King of A.
19 Thos s Joseph & Mary Jones
Mar 26 Wm s Richard Tomlin
Apr 9 Mary d Charles Smith
10 Thos s Robt Bate of C.
May 28 Christopher s Robt Bywaters
28 Mary d Wm & Mary Coap
June 4 Ann d Eliz Wilson
18 Wm s Wm Smith of C.
July 30 (priv) Mary d John Shelstone
Aug 16 John s John & Mary Desborough of Gunwade Ferry
Oct 4 (priv) Richard s Francis More
6 (priv) Thos s Francis More
22 Henry s John Brackin of A.
Nov 30 Catherine d Thos & Catherine Chamberlain
Jan 1 Thos s John & Mary Bate of A.
1 Thos s Thos Shelstone of A.
4 John s Thos Pooley, lately deceased
15 Eliz d Wm & Mary Sergeant of C.
Feb 18 Eliz d Joseph Sergeant of A.
Mar 11 Ann d Wm Wells of C.
18 (priv) John s John & Susan Procter
21 (priv) Thos s Thos & Rose Smith
May 7 Eliz d Clement & Ann Whitehead of Upton
13 Alice d Richard & Eliz Stimson of C.
14 Edward s Henry & Mary Bedell
July 1 Thos s Wm Sergeant of A.
Aug 19 Eliz d Thos & Mary Bennet
The Lady Ann Fitzwilliam daughter of the Rt Hon. John Earl Fitzwilliam & the Lady Ann his wife was born in St Martins in the Fields in Westminster Aug the 23rd and baptized there Aug 25th
Aug 26 Wm s Wm Potts of C.
31 (priv) Thos s Thos King of A.
Sept 17 Mary d Richard Martin
Oct .. (priv) Ann d Charles & Ann Smith of A.
Nov 18 Francis s John Crosen of Upton
Jan 6 Thos s John & Eliz Shelstone
13 Mary d Thos & Catherine Chamberlain
Jan .. James s James Wilkinson of C.
Jan .. Robt s Wm & Mary Sergeant of C.
Feb 16 Sarah d John & Margaret Clark
24 Susanna d Miles Stanion
Mar 3 Ann d George & Mary Spurr of A.
10 Ann d Wm Scot of C.


Apr .. Thos s Thos Mason of C.
Apr .. Thos s Thos Dexter
May 17 Robt s John & Mary Desborough of Gunwade Ferry
June 3 Robt s Francis & Dorothy More of C.
June 14 Henry s Henry Dove, Esq & Mary of Upton
30 Eliz d Thos & Ann Ridlington of C.
July 14 Ann d Robt Shipman of C.
28 Esther d Robt Edis of C.
28 (priv) Jane d John & Eliz Proctor
Aug 11 Thos s Thos & Eliz Dawkins
Sept 27 (priv) Richard s Richard & Eliz Cowper
29 Wm s Wm & Mary Coap
Oct 6 John s John & Eliz Wilkinson of C.
13 Robt s Thos & Ann Shelston
Oct .. Ann d Robt Bate of C.
Dec 4 (priv) Robt baseborn son of Isabel Barrow
25 Frances d Wm Smith of C.
Jan 19 Ann d Wm More of C.
21 Mary d Thos & Mary Bore
Mar .. Thos s Joseph Sergeant
Mar .. (priv) Eliz d Samuel & Hannah Wilkinson
Apr 4 (priv) Joseph s Thos Pacey of C.
19 Mary d John & Mary Bell
May .. Sarah d John & Mary Bate
July 1 Ann d Wm & Mary Sergeant of C.
12 Richard s Richard & Eliz Stimson of C.
19 George s George Spurr of A.
26 Eliz d Charles Smith of A.
Aug 2 Ann d John & Eliz Wifar
9 Eliz d Bartholomew & Eliz Hunt
13 Edward s Henry & Mary Bedell
25 Wm s John & Mary Desborough
30 John s Richard Martin of C.
31 Rose d John Chamberlaine
Oct 19 Eliz d John & Jane Jones of C.
Nov 13 (priv) John s Wm & Alice Edwards of C.
Dec 1 Ann d Thos King of A.
The Lady Elizabeth second daughter of John Earl Fitzwilliam and Ann born at
London Dec 9
Dec 9 James s Robt Bate of C.
10 (priv) Ann d Thos Powers of C.
28 (priv) Mary d Henry Dove Esq of Upton (born 26th)
Jan 14 Eliz d Robt Turner
24 Edward s Thos & Eliz Dawkins
29 Ann d Wm & Mary Coap
30 Eliz d George & Mary Hilliard of A.
Feb 14 Mary d James & Margaret Hullock
The Lady Mary third daughter of John Earl Fitzwilliam & Ann his wife born at
London Feb 4


1725 1725
Mar 28 Eleanor d Robt Bywaters of C.
29 Eliz d Thos & Ann Mason of C.
Apr 11 John s Thos Jackson of A.
25 John s Wm Wells of C.
May 17 Mary d John & Margaret Clark
18 Mary d Thos & Mary Chappel of A.
June 5 (priv) John s John & Eliz Shelston
13 Eliz d Richard & Eliz Cowper
July 1 Hannah d Wm & Mary Sergeant
3 (priv) John s Wm Smith of C.
4 Anna d Wm Sams of C.
4 Eliz d Thos Wright
4 Mary d John Wilkinson of C.
Nov 7 Antony s Mary Martin of C.
Nov .. Catherine d Thos & Catherine Chamberlaine
Dec 6 Ann d John Chamberlaine of C.
19 Ann baseborn child of Ann Frear
Jan 16 Eliz d John & Ann Core
Feb 3 Thos s Thos & Ann Powers
5 (priv) Jane d John & Jane Jones
27 Ann d Miles Stanion
Mar 20 Mary d John & Eliz Wifar
July 1 Eliz d Wm & Eliz Briggs
Apr 3 Ann d Thos & Ann Ridlington
25 Alice d Charles Smith of A.
27 Robt s Andrew & Sarah Trafort of A.
29 Wm s Wm More of C.
May .. Ann d Thos Shelstone of A.
June 6 (priv) Wm s Wm Pacey of A.
12 Alice baseborn child of Isabel Barrow
26 Mary d Nathaniel Jones of C.
July 10 John s Thos & Eliz Shelstone
17 (priv) James and Robt sons of James & Alice Strangleman
Aug 21 Wm s Wm & Mary Claypole of A.
28 Mary d James & Margaret Hullock
Sept 4 Ann d Joseph Sergeant of A.
Oct .. Ann d Richard & Eliz Stimson of C.
Oct 9 Eliz d Thos & Mary Bore of A.
30 Wm s Wm Smith of C.
Nov .. (priv) John s John Collins of A.
Dec .. Mary d Robt & Eliz Turner of A.
Dec 11 John s John & Mary Bate of A.
13 Ruth d Wm & Hannah Chamberlaine
25 Mary d Bartholomew Hunt
Jan .. (priv) John s Wm & Mary Sergeant of C.
Jan 8 Mary d Robt & Jane Twilly of C.
Feb 2 Griffin s john & Ann Desborough of C.
12 Hannah d Wm & Mary Coap
Mar 4 (priv) Eliz f John Procter