Ref No

Castor Baptisms 1668 - 1697


Jan 10 Alice d Wm & Eliz Dunston
31 John s Francis Dennum
Apr 10 Mary d Frances Winkeley
10 Eliz .otter
May 3 Robt s Robt Gardner
3 John s Wm Goodding
Aug 26 John s Thos Bennit
26 Thos s Thos n.g.
26 John s Thos Bate of Sutton
31 John s Thos Torey*
Sept .. Ann d Wm Chamberlin
Oct 29 Henry s John Bird
Nov 12 Eliz d Frances Hardi..
Dec .. Mary d John Bate
Jan 2* John s John Titley
Jan .. Wliz d Wm Baley*
Jan .. Wm s James Chamberlen
Jan .. Eliz d Thos Power
Jan 30                  s
Feb ..                  d
Feb 14 Lawrence s Lawrence Thompson
Apr 4 Ann d Wm Fracey
May 8 Ann d John Counnoth*
8 Ann d John Palmer
Aug 6 Jane d Thos Page
13 John s John Briggs
Sept 10 Ann d John Bate
Oct 10 John s Thos Bate
24 Thos s Thos Edwards
Dec 31 Daniel s Thos Bennett
Feb 5 Eliz d John Hawkins
Mar 8 Thos s Griffin Norris
Apr 9 Jane d John Chamberlin
16 Ann d Isaac Crosse
May 13 Ambrose s John Carter
19 Zachary s Robt Ireland
19 Mary d Wm Frasey
June 23 Wm s Wm Chamberlin
Aug 11 Eliz d Edward Crosse
Sept 19 Ann baseborn d Bridget Lambert
29 Wm s Francis Winckley
Oct 15 Eliz d widow Thrapson
22 Mary d John Bird
29 John s John Cunwortle*
29 John s John Palmer
Nov 3 Francis s Abraham Goodlade
10 Jane d Robt Hinson
Dec 1 Frances d Francis Hardick


Dec 8 Thos s Thos Bate
15 Francis s Thos Power
Jan 19 Anne d John Cliffe
24 Ann d Thos Bate of Sutton
Mar 19 Robt s Thos Bore
Apr 13 Thos s Richard Edwards
20 Christopher s John Needham
20 Thos s John Hawkins
June 7 Michael s Robt Watkin
29 John s Thos Dixon
29 Wm Denham
July 27 Ellen d Thos Wildbore
27 Eliz d Wm Chamberlain
Aug 24 John s Jon Chamberlain
Jan 5 Susannah d Lawrence Thompson
Sept 11 George s George Smith…..
14 Edward s Toby Nicholls
28 Alice d Richard Bell
Oct 26 John s Isaac Crosse
26 Ruth d John Luen
Nov 30 Wm s Thos Edwards
30 Wm s John Henson
Dec 7 John s Richard Hullock
7 Jane d Wm Palmer
14 Robt s Wm Goodwin
21 Wm s Wm Yates
Jan 11 Joan d Thos Page
24 Francis s Thos Bate
Feb 23 Robt s Robt Bate
n.g. Wither, Curate
Clem. Gibson
Fran. Winkley, C/Ws                                           March 22
Mar 22 Eliz d Thos Bore                                     )     l……d Robt
22 Mary d Richard                                 pin )         Garner
June 21 Wm s Francis Winkly
28 Wm s Thos Bennet
July 5 Mary d James Manton
19 Frances d Wm Roydon
Aug 16 Richard s Richard Bell
23 Sarah d Wm Fracy
Sept 27 Mary d John Howman
Oct 8 John s John Briggs
25 Thos s Thos Lincolne
Nov 8 Eliz d Richard Cote
Dec* 15 Eliz d Mr John Ryley
Jan 10 Alice d Edward Garner
18 Richard s John Cliffe
Feb 21 Robt s Robt Ireland
Mar 7 Robt s Robt Bate
7 Mary d Thos Freeman
14 Robt s John Bate
28 Mary Etty*
                   T. Wither, Curate
                   John Hawkins & Thos Bore, C/Ws


Apr 25 Margaret d Luke Holmes
May 12 Michael s Michael Fall*
June 10              d Wm Chamberlain
July 25 Thos s Thos Power
Aug 12 Dorothy d Robt Garner
22 Thos s Wm Burton*
31 Alice d Thos Bore
Sept 21 Wm s Francis Denham
26 Eliz d John Hawkins
27 Edward s Edward Crosse
Oct 3 Wm s John Chamberlain
3 Frances d Edward Kisby
31 Eliz d Richard Edwards
Nov 21 Joan d John Neetam
Dec 12 Thos s Francis Hardick
Jan 9 Richard s Thos Dixon
30 John s john Briggs
Mar 5 Henry s Henry Turner
12 Thos s Thos Edwards
Mar 26 Wm s Robt Watkin
Apr 9 John s Richard Cole
Born Apr 29 Mrs Anna Maria Fitzwilliam
June 11 John s John Briggs
July 16 Ann d Wm Goodwin
Aug 7 Bridget d Francis Winckley
10 Eliz d Richard Grant
Oct 29 James s Richard Hullock
Nov 5 Hannah d Isaac Crosse
13 Eleanor d Samuel Wats
22 Wm s Robt Shipman
April 14 John s Mr John Ryley of Sutton
. . . 28 James baseborn child of Ellen Wildbore
Dec 10 Mary d Edward Turner
30 Thos s Thos Bore
Jan 10 Clement s Lawrence Thompson of Sutton
Feb 8 Edward s Henry Jordan
12 Aaron s John Cliffe
Mar 6 John s Wm* Freeman
Mar 31 Dorothy d (baseborn) Susannah Wilson
Apr 1 Thos s Jeffery Garner
10 George s John Palmer
29 Eliz d John Holman
May 18 Grace d Wm Fracy
July 8 James s James Manton
15 James s Michael Fall
Aug 8 Ann d Wm Lewin
Sept 4 Thos s Robt Turner
18 Henry s George Blith
Oct 21 John s Thos Powers
21 Mary d Edward Kisby
                                   T. Wither, Curate
                                   Richard Laye*
                                   Wm Burton, C/Ws
Dec 7 James s Richard Hullock
14 Eliz baseborn child of Mary Bower


Dec 21 Daniel s Richard Dixon
28 John s Richard Core
Feb 5 Alice d Robt Garner
8 John s Josiah Sargeant
5 John s Robt Bates
Mar 5 Mary d Isaac Cross
15 John s John Hawkins
22 Jane d Richard Edwards
Apr 7 Robt s Robt Shipman
May 26 John s Thos Plowright
June 16 Edward s Henry Jordan
Aug 11 John s Timothy Jenkinson
11 Anne d John Wilson
28 (born) Mr Wm Fitzwilliam
Sept 22 Thos s Edward Crosse
Oct 19 Anne d George Blith
27 Wm s Thos Edwards
Nov 19 Robt s Samuel Wats
Dec 27 Mary d Luke Holmes
Feb 16 John s Jeffery Gardner
Mar 2 John s Francis Hardick
Apr 6 Eliz d Wm Burton
13 Catharine d Wm Goodwin
27 Eliz d Wm Burton
June 29 Mary d Edward Turner
Aug 24 Dorothy d Thos Bore
Sept 2 Mary d James Manton
Dec 14 Randall s Mr John Ryley of Sutton
Nov 3 John s John Wilson
Jan 6 Thomasin d Francis Winkley
Mar 7 George s Thos Dixon
April 4 Anne d Robt Gardner
6 Wm s John Neetham
                              Thos Wither, Curate
                               John Holman
                               Robt Turney, C/Ws
May 2 Anne d Thos Plowright
13 Alice d John Cliffe
July 25 Grace d Edward Garner
Oct 5 Frances d John Ely
12 Robt s John Holman
17 Joyce d Mr John Hawkins
Dec 3 Mr John Fitzwilliam was born
15 Randolph s Mr John Ryley of Sutton
Jan 18 John s Robt Bates
24 John s Robt Neetham
Feb 13 Wm s Wm Frasy
15 Frances d George Blith
17 Eliz d Wm Ward of Sutton
22 Robt s Robt Core
Mar 12 Mary d Robt Turney
12 Wm s Luke Holmes


Mar 6 Wm s James Shipman
24 Edward s Edward Turner
                       T. Wither, Curate
Mar 26 Eliz d Thos Edwards
27 John s Edward Kisby
Sept 11 Mary d Thos Bate
Oct 30 Joseph s Isaac Cross
Nov 13 Eliz d Timothy & Frances Jenkinson
22 John s Robt & Mary Parish
Dec 1 Mary d John & Eliz Wilkinson
Jan 17 Thos s Robt & Anne Core
                                   John Cooper, Curate
                                  William (X) S.rse*
                             (X) John Gadsby, C/Ws
Jan 29 Catherine d Lucy Ely
Feb 24 Anne the posthumous d Robt & Mary Bate
Mar 16 Francis s John & Sarah Hawkins
19 Anne posthumous d Francis & Eliz Emerson
May 21 Thos s John & Sarah Bird
28 Edward s John & Eliz Pateman
July 16 Robt s Robt & Mary Turney of A.
Aug 13 Thos s Thos & Anne Bate of A.
Oct 10 Joseph s Richard & Eleanor Edwards
Nov 4 Eliz d Richard & Frances Hilliard
4 Mary d Wm & Cecily Sergeant
7 Alice d Richard & Virtue Barningham
12 Sarah d Francis (the younger) & Sarah Winkly
26 Joseph s Thos & Margaret Dixon
Dec 17 Eliz d Wm & Eliz Yates
Feb 18 Edward s Edward & Alice Gardiner
25 Samuel s Samuel & Margaret Wattes of A.
Mar 3 Eleanor d Thos Bate the younger & Mary of A.
4 Grace d Isaac & Susannah Crosse
8 John s John & Eliz Neetham of A.
21 Rebecca d Michael & Anne Selby
Baptisms at Sutton, 1682:
Apr 9 Anne d Lawrence & Susanna T, ompson
June 22 Eliz d John & Mary Peale Peake*) of Geeson
             In the parish of Ketton
Oct 29 Anne d Wm & Mary Sugar
Baptisms at Upton, 1682:
Mar 18 Eliz d Wm & Mary Briggs
Apr 1 Eliz d John & Eliz Lewin
1 Mary d Mathew & Eliz Edwins
9 Eliz d Thos & Mary Edwards
May 6 Jane d Richard & Alice Core of A.
July 1 Henry s Robt & Mary Turney of A.
15 John s James & Mary Brackin
Aug 5 John s John & Mary Dunstan
Sept 2 Eliz d George & Jane Peake of A.
17 Alice d Robt & Mary Gardiner of A.
                     Jo: Cooper, Curate
John Bate (X) & Edward Gardiner, C/Ws


Oct 7 Thos s James & Susannah Wilkinson
14 Eliz d Richard & Eliz Shelston
Nov 18 Mary d John & Mary Chamberlyn
Dec 9 Virtue d Richard & Virtue Barngham
27 John and Alice children of John & Alice Wiles
29 Mary & Jane (twins) daughters of Francis &
Susanna Hardwicke
Jan 27 John s Edward & Grace Patemen
Feb 3 Wm s Edmond & Anne Daws
         Baptized at Sutton
4 Robt s Robt & Eliz Dexter
17 John s Thos & Mary Ryppin* – bapt. at Sutton
Feb .. Robt s Robt & Anne – bapt. at Sutton
Mar 2 Henry s Wm & Margaret Dixon
2 Eliz d Wm & Catherine Ward of Sutton
23 Catherine d Thos & Margaret Dixon
April 15 Eliz d Wm & Catherine Ward of Sutton
May 13 Eleanor d Thos & Judith Garfeild of Sutton
July 15 Eliz d Michael* & Susannah Stannion of Sutton
Mar 30 Mary d Robt & Mary Parysh
Apr 6 Margaret d Edward & Anne Crosse
6 Anne d Wm & Cecily Segeant
11 Michael s Michael & Anne Selby
June 1 John s Matthew & Eliz Edwins
22 Wm baseborn son of Anne Yates
22 Eliz base daughter of Eliz Chamberlaine
July 6 Eliz d Thos & Mary Bate
6 Robt s Robt & Anne Core
14 Anne d Francis Winkly the younger & Sarah
Aug 10 Wm s John & Mary Holman
17 Wm s Richard & Eliz Hullocke
24 Eliz d Thos & Eliz King
31 Anne d Edward & Anne Rycraft
Sept 7 Francis s John & Sarah Hawkins
14 James s James & Susanna Wilkinson
16 Emme d George & Anne Blyth
Oct 4 Mary d Richard & Anne Campian
19 Mary d John & Mary Dunstan
26 Mary d Thos & Anne Bate
Nov 2 Sara d John & Sarah Bird
28 Anne d Luke & Eliz Holmes
Feb 1 Thos s John & Mary Gardiner
(in the margin : ‘King James Feb 6, 1684’) began his reign)
Feb 22 Clement s Thos & Mary Edwards
23 Mary d John & Anne Woodward
Mar 7 Wm s Richard & Alice Bayley
                 Jo: Cooper, Curate
                 .vin Burton
                 Wm Sergent, C/Ws
Baptised at Sutton, 1684 :
Sept 7 Eliz d Wm Gardner


Nov 30 Wm s Wm Dee (at Sutton)
July 13 Anne d Gabriel Barnes (at Sutton)
Apr 13 Mary d Wm Gardner – at Sutton
18 Mary d John & Eliz Procter
26 John s John & Eliz Neetham of A.
May 10 John s John & Mary Wilson
24 Richard s Richard & Eliz Bell
June 5 John s Samuel & Margaret Watts
July 12 Joseph s Joseph Chamberlaine, junior, & Eliz
Aug 16 Mary d Richard & Anne Shelston of A.
23 Sarah d Geroge & Jane Peake
30 Thos s James & Susanna Wilkinson
Oct 3 Isaac s Isaac & Susannah Cro…
25 Wm s Thos & Mary Dye
Nov 8 Eliz d Michael & Susanna Stannion
29 John s Wm Ward of Sutton
Dec 8 John s Richard & Virtue Barinngham
Feb 8 Eliz d Thos Bate of S.
May 28 Anne d Robt Jones of S.
June 27 John s Hugh Bore of S.
July 31 Anne d Thos RIppin of S.
Mar 27
Mar 30 Mary d Wm & Eliz Carter of A.
Apr 18 John s John & Alice Wiles of A.
May 13 Mary d Wm & Mary Brittaine
July 4 Thos s Francis Winkly, junior, & Sarah
4 Susannah d Richard & Alice Bayley
31 Edward s Edward & Anne Wigginton
Aug 22 Thos s Robt Ireland
25 Eliz d John Bird, junior, & Sarah
Sept 5 Eliz d Edward & Grace Pateman
5 Thos s Thos & Mary Bate
Oct 3 Thos s Thos & Mary Dye of A.
17 Eliz d John & Mary Dunstan
Nov 22 John s Thos Bates
29 Thos s Richard Shelston of A.
Dec 7 Susannah d Robt Core
15 Thos s Robt Dexter
27 Thos s Thos King of A.
                             John Cooper, Curate
Jan 9 Wm s Mathew Eddins
5 John s James Wilkinson
Feb 20 Job s Wm Goodwin
20 Jane d Edward Roycroft
Mar 8 Wm s Wm Deacon
Apr 17 Catherine d Humfrey Harrison
Mar 27 John s John Woodward
28 Wm s Joseph Sergeant
Apr 23 Isabel d   (twins Thos Bore)
Bridget d


June 19 Wm s Robt Parish
25 John s Wm Dodson
July 10 Mary d Edward Wakelin
22 John s Richard Bell
Aug 14 Anne d John Walton
22 Eliz d Edward Wigginton
28 Ann d John Wiles
Sept 4 Joseph s Thos Edwards
14 Michael s Richard Hullock
Nov 20 John s John Procter
Jan 15 Thos s Joseph Chamberlaine, junior
Feb 5 Anne d James Wilkinson
Feb 8 Eliza (‘Notha’)
16 Anne d Wm Deacon
Mar 8 Wm s Wm Breton
May 2 John s Wm Garner, carpenter, of S.
June 5 Mary d Wm Carter of A.
June 8 Wm & Anne (twins) s/d of Thos Bore
9 Miles s Wm Goodwin
10 Wm s Wm Dodson
July 22 Mary d Edmund Jackson
24 Wm s John Palmer
30 Eliz d Wm Sergeant
Sept 2 Thos s Edward Wakelin
19 Mary d John Wilson
5 Thos s Thos King of A.
Oct 15 Dorothy d John Walton
19 John s John Ely
21 Richard s James Crofts
Dec 23 Francis s John Woodward
Jan 13 Mary d Joseph Sergeant of A.
18 John s James Wilkinson
21 Ann d John Wilkinson
Feb 5 Anne d Wm Satchell
17 Anne d Samuel Bradley
Mar 4 Wm s Matthew Eddin
Apr 7 John s Humfry Harrison
8 Wm s John Dunstan
21* Jane d John Wallbank
May 12 Alice d Richard Barringham
26 Wm s John Procter
June 2 Alice d Robt & Anne Core
Born June 18 Antony s Antony Harad*
July 11 Ann d Edmond Jackson
14 Eliz d John Gates
21 Grace d Edward Pateman
23 Wm s Thos Bore
Aug 11 Mary d John Neetham
Sept 13 Thos s Wm King
15 John s John Burket
29 Mary d Solomon Thorns
Oct 8 George s Thos Edwards (posthumous)
17 Edward s John Boseville (gypsy)
21 Mary d Richard Bayly


Oct 27 Eliza d Robt Dexter of A.
Nov 17 John s Richard Shelstone of A.
Jan 1 Amy d Wm Carter of A.
Jan 2 Anne d Thos Bates of A.
Feb 2 Alice d Thos Bates, senior, of A.
Mar 7 Mary d Edward Wigginton
Born Nov 29 Ruth d Wm Gardner of Sutton
Apr 6 Thos s John White
20 Samuel s James Wilkinson
May 4 Eliz d Antony Harall*
June 22 James s Thos Bore of A.
July 27 Robt s Robt Parish
27 John s John Wallbanck
Sept .. Eliz d John Dunstan
21 Wm s Joseph Chamberlain
Oct .. Catherine d John Pacy
Nov 9 John s Edmund Jackson
16 John s John Walton
16 Ann d Richard Ed..
18 Ann d Wm Deacon
Nov .. Thos s John Ely
23 John s Thos Bincks
30 Wm s John Jackson of A.
Feb 1 George s Henry Hilliard
May 8 Henry s n.g. who married Mrs Watts’ daughter of Henry Grey of the Ferry
Was privately baptized there
Apr 19 Susanna d Samuel Bradley of C.
May 3 Frances d Thos King of A.
17 Wm s Thos Die of A.
10 Wm s Wm Satchell of A.
July 5 Eliz d Wm Wells of C. & Ann
26 Eliz d Joseph Sergeant of A.
Aug 23 Eliz d John Burkett of A.
28 Thos & Joseph (twins) sons of John Wilson of C.
Sept 13 Wm s Wm Winter of C.
Oct 25 Frances d Thos Bates of A.
Nov 2 Robt s Matthew Eddins of C.
15 Ann d John Woodall of C.
15 Eliz d Edward Rycroft of C.
22 Eliz d Wm Carter of A.
24 Sarah d John Wilkinson of C.
Dec 27 Mary d Robt Dexter of A.
Jan 3 Mary d Wm Goodwyn of C.
10 Richard s Edward Jackson of C.
24 Francis s Humfrey Harrison of C.
24 Eliz d John White of C.
Feb 7 John s John Yates of C.
Mar 6 Jane d Thos Bore of A.


Apr 10 Thos s Thos Binkes of C.
May 17 Thos s James Wilkinson of C.
June 14 John s Joseph Chamberlin the younger of C.
26 Jane d Edward Wakelin of C.
Sept 25 Wm s John Pacy of A.
Oct 16 Wm bastard son of Mary Denham
23 Thos s Thos Shaw of C.
23 Margaret d Adam Core
Nov 4 Ann d John Walton
Dec 11 Mary d Thos Chappell
18 Ann d Samuel Carter of C.
Feb 13 John s Robt Wright who married Mrs Wats’ daughter
5 Thos s John Wilds of A.
Mar 5 John s John Clarke
           Oliver Socklington, Curate of Castor
Apr 28 John bastard son of Ann Yates of A.
30 Mary d John Jackson of A.
May 4 Mark s Matthew Eddins of C.
June 11 John s Thos King of A.
July 11 Mary bastard d Jane Bell (alias Sierson) of C.
27 Robt s Richard Edice of A.
30 James s Thos Bate (called the …..) of A.
Aug 9 Mary d Robt Garner the yonger of A.
Sept 25 Wm s Wm Sergeant of C.
Sept .. Wm s Edward ……
Oct 8 John s Wm Sechel of A.
Nov 10 Mary d John Atkinson of A.
Oct 28 Thos s Thos P….
Nov 12 Eleanor d Thos Bore of A.
12 Daniel s john Yates of C.
Dec 24 Amy d James Crofts
26 Robt s John Ely of C.
Jan 25 Eliz d Wm Winter
28 John s James Wilkinson
28 Thos s Edmund Jackson
Feb 25 John s John Wilkinson
25 John s John Burkett of A.
Mar 25 John s Adam & Grace Coore
May 13 Mary d Thos Dye
29 Alice d Wm Cabber
June 17 John s Samuel Bradley
Sept .. Wm s Wm Wells
Nov 25 Wm s John Clark
Dec 2 Thos s Thos Purvey
9 Eliz d Richard Edis
Born Dec 16 Amy Hankin
Jan 1 Mary d Edward Wigginson of C.
13 Eliz d John Wooddard
20 Richard s John Walton
21 Robt s widow Parish of C.
Feb 3 Wm s Edward Wakelyn of C.
24 John s Samuel Carter of C.
26 John s Thos Bate (called ‘the lame’)


Mar 20 James and Griffin sons of Griffin Popeley of A.
Mar 10 Eliz d Thos Burton of Sutton
31 James s James Wilkinson of C.
June 9 Margaret d Edward Hacket of Sutton
11 Eliz d John Edwards of A.
Aug 11 Eliz d Edmund Jackson of C.
Sept 29 Wm s Robt Right of C.
Sept 8 Wm s Thos King of A.
Oct 7 Alice d John Dunstan
14 Edward s Wm Gardner of S.
Dec 22 Eliz d Samuel Braddly
Jan 12 John s John Jackson
19 Grace d Grace Pateman of C.
Feb 9 Sarah d John Yates
13 Jane d Joseph Chamberlaine of C.
15 Grace d Adam Core of C.
23 Thos s Thos Chappell of A.
Thos: Spence, Curate
Mar 30 Wm s Wm Gardner, junior, of S.
Apr 10 Townson s James Wilkinson of C.
June 2 Eliz d Wm Sechel of A.
10 Edward s John White of C.
July 1 Mary d John Wilkinson of C.
12 Ann d John Burkett of A.
Aug 24 Frances d John Burford of A.
29 John s John Pacy of A.
29 John s Wm Winter of C.
Nov 1 Wm s Edmund Jackson
28 Wm s Thos & Bridget Burton of S.
Dec 7 Eliz and Ann daughters of John & n.n. Sa…… (travellers)
20 Jeffery s Thos (called the …) Bate of A.
Jan 3 Thos s Jeffery Bate of A.
15 Mary d Robt Wright of C.
Born Jan 30 John s Wm Sugar*
Jan 31 Eliz d Thos Survy*
Mar 20 Thos s Wm Real* of C.
Mar 2*                D John Gilby of C.
2 Robt s Wm Gardner, junior, of S.
May 25 Mary d John & Mary Death
June 13 Matthew s Matthew & Eliz Eddins
July 22 Jane d Tobias & Eliz Nicholls
18 Joseph s John & Ann Clerke
Aug 15 John s John & Eliz Burton of A.
22 Rose d Charles & Christian Rowlett
Oct 3 Mathew s Mathew & Eliz Bunning
Dec 6 Katharine d James & Katharine Crofts
Feb 6 Ann d John & Mary Walton
Mar 13 Wm s John Edwards of A.
20 Ann d Thos King of A.