Ref No

Castor Baptisms 1626 - 1751


Mar 9 (priv) Wm s Henry & Mary Dove (Esq): born Mar 9 (of Upton)
12 Judith d Thos & Judith King
19 Susannah d John & Eliz Wilkinson of C.
May 11 Wm s Wm Hopkinson of Upton
21 Sarah d Thos Dawkins of C.
28 Mary d John & Mary Desborough
28 Robt s Wm & Eliz Stavely
28 Thos s Thos & Mary Chappel of A.
June 4 Hannah d Richard Tomlin of A.
25 Eliz d John & Eliz Wifar
July 2 Wm s George Spurr of A.
3 John s Wm & Ann Shipman of C.
Aug 6 Ann d Thos & Ann Ridlington
13 Eliz d James & Margaret Hullock
Sept 6 Wm Pitts
11 Ann d Thos & Susannah Mason
25 Ann d Robt Bate of C.
Oct 15 Francis s Wm Goodwin of C.
16 John s Edward Holman. junior of C.
29 Mary d Robt & Mary Grayham
Dec 22 (priv) Jane d Thos & Catherine Chamberlaine
25 John s John Chamberlaine of C.
Jan 14 (priv) Joseph s John Clark of C.
21 Michael s Miles Stanion
31 (priv) Rebecca (born Jan 26) d Henry & Mary Bedell
Feb 11 John* s Wm & Eliz Pacy of A.
19 Wright (born Jan 19) s Wm & Mary Sergeant
Mar 10 Alice d James & Alice Strangleman of C.
17 John s Robt Bywaters of C.
Apr 19 Charles s Wm & Susan: Hopkinson* of Upton
21 John s John Jones of C.
May 5 Wm s Thos & Susanna King of A.
July 16 (priv) James s John Wilkinson
21 Jane d Thos Shellstone
Aug 11 (priv) George s George Dolbey
28 Ann d Wm & Dorothy Sayle
Sept 12 (priv) John s Andrew Crayfor*
May 9 Anne d Henry & Mary Dove of Upton (Esq)
Sept 13 Susannah d Charles Smith
Nov 24 Alice d John & Mary Joyce of C.
Dec 8 Eliz d John & Eliz Shelstone of A.
Jan 1 Ann d John & Mary Bate of A.
Apr 11 Thos s Wm & Ann Dewberry of S.
Oct 17 Mary d Robt & Mary Davice of S.
Jan 19 Eliz d John Dolby
26 Susannah d Thos & Ann Ridlington
Feb 9 John s Wm Smith of C.
19 (priv) Thos s John & Frances Proctor
Mar 3                d Wm & Eliz Briggs


Apr 6 Wm s Wm Wells
6* Robt s Thos & Mary Bore of A.
6 Mary d Wm & Susan Hopkinson of Upton
13 Eliz d Wm & Catherine Gambel
16 Wm s John & Mary Desborough
May 4 Robt s Robt Twillt
25 Mary d Wm & Eliz Goodwin
June 8 James s Thos Dawkins of C.
13 Mary d James & Alice Strangleman
Sept 16 Wm s Wm & Jane Edwards of C.
Oct 29 (pr) Eliz d Wm & Dorothy Sayle of Milton
Nov 9 Mary d Mary Pope of C.
Oct 13 (pr) Wm s Wm & Mary Sergeant of C.
Nov 25 Ann d Thos & Bridget Bird of C.
Dec 2 Wm s Wm & Hannah Chamberlaine
Jan 8 Eliz d Wm & Eliz Blanes of A.
11 Ann d John & Ann Core of S.
Mar 3 John s Richard & Rose Nottingham of A.
10 Wm s John & Sarah Chamberlain of C.
21 (priv) Jane d John & Ann Desborough
Mar 29 Richard s George Dolbin of C.
22 Mary d John & Ann Draycott of Upton
Apr 12 Wm s John & Jane Jones
5 Mary d Wm & Ann Dewberry of S.
May 11 David s George & Jane Spur of A.
18 Eliz d John & Eliz Dunston
18 Eliz d Thos & Ann Powers of C.
24 Mary d James & Margaret Hullock
June 18 (pr) Isabel & Eliz daughters of Bartholomew Hunt
July 3 (pr) Eliz d John & Eliz Patman
July 5 Eliz d Thos & Ann Mason of C.
5 (priv) Mary d John Mempas of Milton
19 Robt s Robt Pitts of Upton
Aug 9 John s Richard & Eliz Stimson of C.
15 (priv) Robt s Robt & Eliz Turner of A.
15 Jane d Thos & Judith King of A.
31 Lucia d Augustin Prigmore of C.
Sept 2 (pr) John s John & Eliz Wifar
Oct 12 (pr) James s James Strangleman
13 Eliz d John & Mary Desborough
Nov 23 Catherine d John & Eliz Wright of C.
24 Rebecca d Wm & Jane Edwards
Dec 6 (pr) Eliz d John & Eliz Lenton of S.
20 Wm s Wm & Catherine Gambel of C.
Jan 3 (priv) Charles s Charles Smith of A.
6 Sarah d Charles Smith
21 Thos s Thos & Bridget Bird
Feb 2 John s Robt Sherman of C.
7 Wm s John Shelstone of A.
Mar 11 Mary d Thos Shelstone of A.
Mar 30* Joseph s Thos & Catherine Chamberlain of C.
Apr 11 Mary d John & Hannah Haselby
18 Jane d Wm More


June 20 Mary d Wm Ward of S.
20 Alice d Thos Dawkins of C.
July 11 Ann d Richard & Eliz Cowper of C.
18 Hannah d Thos & Ann Mason
Aug 23 Eliz d Wm Winter of C.
Sept 3 James s James Garner of S.
19 (priv) Wm s Wm & Eliz Briggs of S.
Oct 3 Mary d Thos Chappel of A.
10 Francis s John & Francis Proctor of C.
10 Mary d Wm Chamberlaine of C.
31 Susan d John Wilkerson of C.
Nov 7 Sarah baseborn of Eliz Core of S.
14 Mathew s John & Ann Drawcott of Upton
Dec 15 (pr) Robt s Wm & Ann Sutton of S.
22 (priv) Mary d Wm & Susan Hopkinson of Upton
Jan 26 Thomasin d John & Jane Jones
Feb 6 John s John Joyce
13 John s Wm Grimes of A.
Mar 2 (pr) John s John Mempas of Milton
12 Susan d Thos Pacey of C.
12 Wm s Wm & Ann Dewberry of S.
12 Ann d John Core of S.
Apr 4 Richard s Richard & Rose Nottingham of A.
10 Thos s Thos & Ann Powers of C.
25 Christopher and John sons of John Staples
May 28 Eliz d Wm Goodwin
28 Eliz d John Bates of A.
29 Ann d John & Margaret Clark
June 5 John s Augustin Prigmore
July 16 Daniel s James & Eliz Shaw of S.
23 Wm s John & Frances Warde of S.
Aug 16 John s John & Eliz Pateman of C.
Sept 13 Grenvil d Henry & Mary Dove of Upton
17 Mary d Wm Pitts of Upton
17 Mary d John Dolby of C.
18 Eliz d Thos & Ann Cornal*
28 Wm s John & Mary Desborough of Gunwade Ferry
Oct 1 Eliz d John Broughton
15 John s John More of A.
21 Charles s Charles Rowlet of C.
22 Wm s Richard Stimpson
22 Wm s John & Eliz Dunston
24 Robt s Wm Smith of C.
Nov 14 Robt s Robt Sherman of C.
28 Robt s Robt Davis of S.
Dec 1 Wm s Thos Shelstone of A.
3 Thos s Robt Featherstone of S.
4 John s John Wright (shoemaker) & Ann of C.
24 Jane d Charles Smith of A.
Jan 14 Mary d James Garner of S.
30 John s Robt & Eliz Turner of A.
Feb 24 Mary d John Wifar
Mar 25 Francis s Miles Stanion
26 Eliz d Wm & Mary Ward of S.


1733 1733
Apr 14 Eliz d Wm & Grace Brewster
May 21 Wm s John & Hannah Haslby
June 3 Richard s Richard Reaper – a stranger
17 Lucy d John & Ann Draycott of Upton
17 John s Wm & Catherine Gambell
26 Henry s Robt Cooke of C.
Aug 5 Sarah d Wm Winter
Oct 5 (priv) Ann d Wm More
21 Thos s Thos Bird of A.
Nov 5 Martha d Wm & Mary Serjeant
Dec 2 Lawerence s Lawrence Wifer*
Nov 19 Mary d Wm Edwards of C.
Dec 26 Faith d Wm & Susan Hopkinson of Upton
30 Helen d Thos Pacey of A.
Jan 12 Mary d John & Mary Joyce of C.
Feb 4 Sarah d Henry Jackson of C.
13 John s Charles Rowlat of C.
14 Paul s Thos Harde of S.
Mar 18 Robt s Thos Mason of C.
Mar 26 Mary d John & Ann Henson of C.
26 Thos s Wm Chamberlain of C.
Apr 7 Thos s John Dunston
14 John s John Dolbey
15 Ann d John Jones
May 31 (pr) Thos s John & Mary Desborough of Gunwade Ferry
June 2 John s Michael & Susan Wallage of A.
3 Alice d John Wilkerson
Memo (on a separate sheet of paper): John s John & Eliz Pateman of C. was baptized August 16th,
1732   Witness: James Cusins (X): Alice Story (X)Ann d John & Eliz Pateman was baptized December 25th, 1754

Witnessing hand: Wm Winter; Wm Edwards


Mary d John & Eliz Pateman was baptized Sept 17, 1736

Witness: Mary Cusins(X); Cecil* Whittlesea


These baptisms were neglected to be registered* but are attested y the Godfathers or Godmothers* of the children, and by the Father John Pateman to have been on the days herein specified

Bennett Gibson, Curate 1756
June 5 Wm s Robt Sherman of C.
6 Wm s John & Eliz Wright of C.
16 Robt s Wm & Ann Dewberry of S.
16 John s John Core of S.
16 Jane d David & Jane Spur of A.
23 Edward s Wm & Ann Sutton of S.
July 28 Ann d Andrew Trayfoot of A.
Aug 19 Mary d James Garner of S.
26 (born same day) Thos s Henry Dove, Esq of Upton & Mary
Sept 8 Mary baseborn d Mary Winchley
30 Ann d Thos & Ann Cornall of C.
Oct 13 Eliz d Samuel Dolby of Upton


(on a separate sheet of paper;)
These baptisms were neglected to be entered but* are attested by the
Godfathers or Godmothers of the children, and by the Father John Pateman to
Have been on the days herein specified
                                                         Bennett Gibson, Curate 1756
John the son of John & Elizabeth Pateman of Castor was baptized
August 16th, 1732
               Witness James Cusins (his mark)
                             Alice Story (her mark)
Ann the daughter of John & Elizabeth Pateman was baptized December 25th,
               Witness by Hand:   Willm Winter
                                             William Edwards
Mary the daughter of John & Elizabeth Pateman was baptized September 17th,
               Witness: Mary Cusins (her mark)
                               Cecil Whittlesea


Oct 28 Spires s John & Sarah Chamberlain of C.
29 Sarah d Thos Chamberlain
Nov 18 Wm s Augustin Pridmore of C.
Dec 1 Eliz d John Draycott of Upton
25 Shelston s Thos Shelstone of A.
25 Ann d John & Eliz Pateman
Jan 12 Ann d John Wright, shoemaker, & Ann of C.
12 Mary d John Pateman
Feb 10 Susan: d Wm & Susan: Hopkinson of Upton
Mar 16 Wm s Wm & Grace Brewster of S.
16 Thos s John More of A.
23 Ann d Wm Pitts of Upton
23 John s Wm More of C.
Feb 27 Mary d Richard & Mary Edwards
Apr 12 Jane d Wm Popely
June 12 (pr) Wm s john Mempas of Milton
15 Mary d Francis Proctor
July 4 Thos d John Crosen
6 Wm s Wm Ward of S.
27 Robt s Robt Cook of C.
Oct 5 Wm & James sons of John & Eliz Wifar of C.
11 Jane d John & Ann Henson of C.
12 Tobias s Tobias Nicholls
Nov 2 Wm s Richard Stimpson
5 John s John White
23 Rebecca d Robt & Rebecca Fetherstone of S.
Dec 7 John s Wm & Eliz Briggs of S.
21 Joan d John Dolby
25 Eliz d Miles Stanion
26 Eliz d Robt …son of Upton
Jan 18 Frances d Richard Cowper
Feb 1 Thos s Thos Ridlington
1 (priv) Anne d John & Mary Desborough of Gunwade Ferry
8 Anne d Robt & Mary Pope
8 (priv) Sarah d Charles Smith of A.
8 (priv) Richard s Richard Nottingham of A.
15 Rose d Wm Chamberlain
22 Eliz d Eliz & Thos Bennett
Mar 14 Susan d Mich: Wallage of A.
22 Eliz d Henry Jackson
Feb 15 Eliz d John & Ann Core of S.
Nov 16 (born 15th; priv) Frances d Henry Dove, Esq., & Mary of Upton
Jan 29 Ann d Wm & Susan: Hopkinson of Upton
June 15 Thos s John & Sarah Chamberlain of C.
July 2 Jane & Ann daughters of Robt Sherman
25 Eve d John Staples
Aug 2 Lawrence s Robt Twilly
22 Wm s Wm Winter
Sept 1 Rebecca d John Serjeant, baker
5 Thos s Wm Popely
17 Mary d John & Eliz Pateman
26 Francis s Wm Gambel
Aug 22 Thos s Lawrence Nehen*
Oct 12 Sarah d Thos & Ann Cornall


Nov 18 Ann d Tobias Nicholls
Dec 25 Robt s Robt Dale of A.
27 John s John Dunston, junior
Jan 10 Ann d Charles Rowlet
23 Samuel s John Wilkerson
23 Susan: d John More of A.
Feb 24 (pr) Alice d John & Ann Henson
27 Adam s John Jones
Mar 25 Samuel s Wm & Susan: Hopkinson of Upton
Apr 10 Ann d Wm Ward of S.
17 John baseborn child of Ann Baker
June 12 Eliz d John & Eliz Bate
July 2 (pr) Henry & Sarah twins of John Desborough of Gunwade Ferry
Aug 21 Robt & Sarah twins of John & Hannah Haselby of C.
Sept 25 Thos s Thos Pacey
Oct 23 Robt s Robt Sherman
Dec 29 Ann d John Crosen
29 Wm s Wm Page
29 Mary d Thos Shelston
Mar 5 (born 4th) (pr) Sophia d Henry Dove, Esq., & Mary of Upton
Apr 2 Mary d John Core of S.
9 Mary d John Pridmore of S.
May 11 Rebecca d James Winter
14 Robt s Thos Shelstone
Sept 23 Ann d Henry Jackson
Oct 6 (pr) Ann d John & Ann Henson
Nov 1 (pr) Priscilla d Priscilla Wright
3 (priv) Daniel s John Axe of S.
Dec 9 (pr) Wm s John Dolby
10 Charles s Charles Smith of A.
14 John bastard son of Eliz Carrold of C.
15 (priv) Edward s John Dunston & Ann
Jan 3 Eliz d John Serjeant, baker
17 (priv) Wm s Tobias Nicholls
Mar 11 Wm s Andrew & Eliz Trayfoot
Mar 18 (pr) Eliz d John Pridmore of S.
19 Thos s Mich. Wallage of A.
May 6 Edward s John More of A.
7 Christopher s Wm Serjeant of C.
8 (priv) Ann & Eliz, twins, daughters of Wm Grimes of Upton
June 2 (pr) Mary d John & Jane Cleaver of Milton
July 23 Sarah d John & Sarah Burton of C.
Sept 11 John s John & Mary Joyce
11 Mary d John & Grace Bell
12 Mary d Wm Bates
Nov 6 Robt s John & Eliz Bates of C.
11 John s Wm & Hannah Chamberlain
Dec 24 Ann d John & Ann Needham


Jan 30 Eleanor d Mary &   Marrit* of S.
Feb 17 Eliz d Wm & Catherine Gambell
Jan 9 (priv) Edmund s Henry Dove, Esq., & Mary of Upton
           Jos: Percy, Curate
Apr 7 Mary d John & Mary Sticton*
7 Daniel s Thos & Fran: Bate
6 John s Wm & Mary Ward of S.
11 Susan: d John & Eliz Pateman
21 Ann d John & Ann Bate of A.
7 Matthew s Matthew Pridmore of S.
May 25 Eleanor d Robt Sherman
25 Mary d George & Mary Pope
25 Dorothy d John & Eliz Wifar
26 Unity d George & Jane Spur
27 Mary d Robt & Mary Dale
July 26 (pr) Edward s John & Jane Cleaver
Dec 2 (pr) Frances d John & Ann Needham
8 Eliz d John & Eliz Barefoot
Jan 14 Mary d John Eliz Bate
Feb .. Wm baseborn s Ann Shelstone
Mar 3 (priv) Alice d John & Ann Henson
11 Thos s John & Eliz .arby
16 Mary d Wm & Mary Marrit of S.
Mar 30 Claypole s Richard & Eliz Core of A.
Apr 1 (pr) Mary d Tob: & Ann Nicholls
May 19 Wm s John More of A.
19 James s Thos Pacey of A.
19 Susan: d John & Eliz Pateman
Aug 19 Wm s Robt Dale of A.
Sept 13 John s John & Mary Serjeant, baker
13 Tobias s John & Thomasin Nicholls
13 Ann d John Pridmore of S.
Oct 2 Eliz d Wm & Eliz Bates of C.   (Bate*)
Sept 6 Mary d John & Mary Sherman of S.
                   Jos: Percy, Curate
Oct 18 George s Thos & Ann Rechelae* of A.
Nov 27 (pr) Eliz d Ann & John Bate of A.
Feb 26 (pr) Alice d Mich: & Susan: Wallage of A.
21 (priv) Ann d John & Eliz Bate of C.
Mar 4 Ann d Jo. & Eliz Barefoot
23 (priv) Eliz d Benjamin & Eliz Brickwood
Mar 29 Andrew s George Dolby
Apr 4 Alice d Thos & Alice Parish
15 (priv) Jane d John & Ann Henson
May 3 (pr) Mary d John & Mary Stanges*
Sept 5 Samuel baseborn child of Mary Botswell*
12 Thos s Robt Bate of A.
Nov 22 Clement s Clement & Mary Thompson of Belsise
21 Wm s John & Mary Sherman of S.
Dec 26 Thos s Robt & Mary Pope
27 Ann d John & Eliz Darby
Jan 5 (priv) Catherine d Wm & Eliz Bates of C.


Jan 10 Mary d Richard & Eliz Core of A.
Feb 20 Ann d Thos & Ann Limming
Mar 6 Mary d John & Grace Bell
May 22 Eliz d Athanasius & Ann Goodwin
23 John s John & Eliz Burton
July 3 Eliz d Robt & Mary Grimes of Upton
July 15 Ann d John & Eliz Bate of C.
25 Edmund s John & Eliz Dunston
Aug 10 Sarah d John & Ann Henson
Oct 2 Martha d John & Mary Mitchel
Nov 20 Thos s Gabriel & Ann Core
27 Eliz d Jo* & Abigail Axe of S.
Dec 4 Jo s Jo & Mary Serjeant, baker
Jan 1 (pr) John baseborn s Mary Botswell
30 (priv) Catherine d Anthony Rowell of A.
Feb 16 (pr) James s James Fall
18 (priv) Sarah d Thos & Ann Liming
28 (priv) Tobias & Eliz, twins, children of John & Tom: Crosen
Mar 18 (pr) Joseph s Wm & Hannah Chamberlin
June 1 (pr) Eliz bastard d Sarah Crozen
Sept 9 Thos s Thos & Eliz Dolby
9 Eliz d Thos & Eliz Bennett
Oct 2 Mary d Benjamin Brickwood of S.
Nov 18 Mary d Wm & Mary Brackin
Feb 10 Eleanor d Daniel & Ruth Whitehead of Gunwade Ferry
10 Sarah d John & Eliz Wifar
17 Alice d John & Mary Mitchel
Mar 15 Joan Elizabeth d John & Mary Stanger
The Rt Hon the Lady Anne d the Rt Hon William Earl Fitzwilliam of the
Kingdom of Ireland & Baron Fitzwilliam of Milton in this County of
Northampton born the 24 day of March in the Year of our Lord 1744 at London
June 4 Eliz d Thos & Frances Bate of A.
July 10 Jane d Andrew & Eliz Trayfoot
Aug .. Wm s John & Tom: Crosen
July 30 (pr) Robt s Wm & Eliz Bate
Sept 11 (pr) Sarah d Jo. & Catherine Shelstone
Oct 21 Mary d Wm & Ann Kennell (Kennett*) of A,
Dec 17 Robt s Thos Bore of Upton
             John Percy, Curate
Oct 27 Thos s Thos & Alice Parish
Dec 13 Richard s Jo & Grace Bell
Jan 28 John s Wm Hill
Feb 16 Mary d Wm Cobley
Mar 12 Thos s Athanasius Goodwin
20 Mary d Jo & Eleanor Wheelwright
22 Benjamin s (baseborn) Ann Liming
22 Thos s Thos & Eliz Dolby


Apr 7 Absalom s Richard & Jane Tomlin
10 Apr Thos s Robt Sherman
10 Apr
Apr 10 Catherine d Wm & Catherine Gambell
13 (pr) Eliz d Clement & Mary Thompson of Belsise Lodge
13 (pr) Isaac bastard s Mey Smith of A.
July 11 Wm s Jo Pateman (priv)
Aug 17 Daniel s Daniel & Ruth Whitehead of Gunwade Ferry
24 Eliz d Anthony Rowell of A.
Sept 21 Michael s Robt & Mary Dale of A.
30 Robt s Robt Coar of A.
Oct 26 Serjeant s Jo & Eliz Dunston (priv)
26 (pr) Esther d Jo & Hannah Haselby
29 (pr) Eliz d Jo & Catherine Shelstone
Nov 10 (born Oct 6*) John s Robt & Jane Wright of C.
Nov 11 Christopher s Jo & Ann Needham (priv)
11 Samuel s Wm & Mary Brackin of A.
Dec 7 Eliz d Thos & Ann Liming
Jan 2 Sarah d Jo & Sarah Seaton
2 Wm s Wm Setchel of A.
12 Benjamin s Benjamin Brickwood of S.
Feb 6 Mary d Wm Hill
Mar 29 Eliz d Abraham Eltham
Apr 3 Solomon s Thos & Eliz Dolby (priv)
9 Eliz d John & Eliz Burton
June 8 Rose d John & Eliz Darby
about July 29 Wm (born July 8) s John & Ann Shelston of A.
Aug 3 John s John & Mary Mitchel (priv)
28 (pr) Walker s John Pateman
Sept 3 (pr) John s John & Ann Desborough
5 Wm s Wm & Ann Lothbey of A.
27 Francis s Robt Sherman
27 Wm s Wm & Eliz Mitchel (priv)
Oct 5 Eliz d Wm & Susan: Feirth
9 Mary d Clement & Mary Thompson of Belsise Lodge
Nov 27 Wm s John & Eleanor Wheelwright (priv)
Dec 10 Eliz d Wm & Mary Stains* of A.
Jan 1 Anna Maria bastard d Mary Botswell
10 Austin s Wm Cobley
Apr 11 Eliz d James & Eliz Winter
May 29 Abraham s John & Hannah Haselby
July 15 John s John & Mary Mitchel (priv)
Sept 23 Sarah d Daniel & Ruth Whitehead of Gunwade Ferry
Oct 23 Eliz d Thos & Eliz Boar of Upton
Nov 13 Michael s Michael Wallage of A.
Jan 9 Jane d Jo & Thom: Crozen
Dec 26 John s John & Ann Shelstone of A.
Jan 15 Noah s John & Ann Needham
Feb 6 Thos s Wm Setchel
26 Thos s Thos & Ann …son
26 Wm s Wm & Mary Brackin
                                           Jos Percy, Curate



Mar 26 Abraham s Abraham Eltham of A.
29 Sarah d Athanasius Goodwin
May 14 Thos s Thos & Mary Dawkins
15 Eliz d Robt & Jane Wright
17 Anne d Jo & Eliz Rawlings of A.
29 Night the bastard of Sarah Crozen of C.
June 3 (pr) Eliz d Wm Hill
Sept 10 Mary d Thos & Mary Shelstone
24 Anne d Richard & Eliz Core of A.
Dec 10 Wm s Robt & Mary Dale of A.
Jan 1 Thos s John & Catherine Shelstone of C.
Feb 18 Thos s John & Ann Shelstone of A.
Mar 13 Ann d John & Ann Burbidge (priv)
Apr 8 John s Wm & Eliz Mitchel
9 James s John & Ann Willmot
July 26 John s John & Mary Stanger (priv)
Sept 23 Wm s James Fall
Oct 29 Mary d Thos & Mary Shelstone
Nov 11 George s George & Mary Wite*
25 Ann d Thos & Ann Liming
25 Eliz d John Rawlings
Dec 23 Jane d George Green
Jan 1 Ann d John & Ann Burton
27 Richard s John & Eliz Stimpson
Feb 25 Robt s Robt & Mary Laxton of belsise Lodge in the parish of Castor (priv)
Apr 7 Mary d Thos & Ann Jugson* (Ingson*)
7 Eliz d Thos & Sar: Serjeant