Ref No

Castor Baptisms 1620 - 1640



Mar 26 John s John Palmer
Apr 23 Christopher s Robt Needhame
June 4 John s Wm Gardner
July 16 John s John Freeman
30 Eleanor d Robt Fenimore
30 Gratian s Robt Walton
30 Robt baseborn son of Bridget Parker
Sept 3 Thos s Edward Bury
3 John s Bartholemew Parrish
10 Hugh s Marmaduke Coole
26 Mary d John Robinson
Oct 2 Alice d John Bird
Oct .. John s Thos Warren
Oct 15 John s John Charge
22 Dorcas d Euseby Catesbye, Esq.
Nov 12 Joan d John Louth
Dec 10 Set d John Willson
10 Alice d Peter Brittaine
Jan .. Jane d Thos Watton
Jan .. Jane d Henry Sanders
Jan .. Joan d Richard Lambert
Feb 25 Eleanor d Thos Keyes
Mar 11 Mary d Thos Warren
Apr 1 Anne d Thos Wylbore
June 17* Beatrice d Robt Killingworth
June .. Thos s                 Clarke
July 29 John s Thos Bell
Sept 25 Bridget d Hugh Ellinor
Oct 7 Joan d Robt Love
20 John s John Berridge
Nov 11 Faith d John Winckley
Nov 2 John s Robt Atkinson
… .. Dorothy d Robt Nurse
Dec 23 Thos s Marmaduke Coole
25 Mary d Nicholas Segrave
Feb 3 Robt s Robt Finnimore
Mar 3 Hugh s Charles Banners
3 Agnes d Ralph Hart
3 Alice d Silvester Gibs
Apr 7 John s Thos Browne
7 Eliz d John Hely
14 Thos s Henry Plowrite
22 Eliz d Jeffery Gray
May 19 Jeffery s Wm Gardner
Sept 22 Robt Gibbins
22 Margaret Clarke
22 Margaret Wilson
Oct 6 Dorothy d Robt Wortley
20 James s John Sargeant
Nov 24 Alice d John Bemrose
Dec 26 Thos s John Berridge


Jan 1 Wm s John Dunston
19 Jeffery s Edward Gardnar
26 Bartholomew s John Gardnar
26 John Bird
26 Mary Walton
Feb* 22* Robt Peter
Feb* 22* Eliz Saunders
Feb 23 Margaret d John Love
Feb 2 John s Richard Lambert
           Thomas Booker, Curate
           Wm Waren
           Thomas                         , C/Ws
Mar 30 Dorothy d Wm Cervington
30                    S Bartholomew Parish
Apr 14 Richard s Thos Bell
27 Margaret d Richard Oliver
May 1 John s Wm Wilson
Aug 10 Prudence d Thos Wilbore
Sept 7 Ralph s John Ely
Oct 19 Robt s John Hely
Dec 7 Thos s Thos Waren
21 Jane d Robt Nurse
Jan 18 John Plowrite
18 Henry Brittayne
18 Joan Beckingham
Feb 7 Wm and Margery s/d n.g. Finimore
Apr 11 Wm s Wm Gardinar
18 Christopher s Anthony Wise
25 John s John Winkley
25 Ann d Christopher Stafford
May 2 Edward s John Wilson
9 Mary d Richard Osborne
June 6 John s John Bemrose
27 Ann d John Wilbore
July 27 Dorothy d Gratian Clarke
Sept 5 Eliz d Thos Keyes
Oct 7 Eliz d Anthony Peter
24 John Hely
24 Robt Wilcocks
                       Thomas Booker, Curate
Nov 7 Margaret d Robt Wortley
28 Francis s John Byrd
Dec 5 Geroge s John Ely
Jan 23 Michael Cole
23 Mary Rogers
23 Jane Wilson
Feb 20 John s John Berridge
Apr 3 Eliz d John Sargeant
May 15 Faith d Thos Brown
16 Ann d John Crosse
June .. Eliz d Thos Brooker (clerk)
June 20


June 20 Katherine d Richard Schofeild
July 10 Jeffery s John Wilson
Sept 4 Wm s Jeffery Gray
11 Thos s Thos Bell
Oct 2 Eleanor d Vincnet Finimore
Nov 6 Thos Wilbo9re
6 Avis Lambert
12 Margaret d Robt Love
27 Thos Bembrose
27 Jeffery Lote
30 Jane d Michael Baker
Dec 10 Edward s Wm Gardner
Jan 29 Edward s Wm Cervington, gent.
Feb 19 Thos s Thos Hodgson
26 Thos Wise
26 Cromwell* Stafford
Mar 19 Thos Wilbore
19 Richard Winckley
                           Thomas Booker, Curate
Mar 26 Richard Dunston
26 Mary Crosse
Apr 2 Wm s Edward Gardner
28 Richard s John Hely
July 10 Thos Wilson
10 Hannah Finimore
24 Agnes d Thos Wilson
31 Anna d Wm Wilson
Aug 9 Margaret d John Wilson
Sept 4 Thos s Robt Gibbins
Oct 1 Alice d James Beckingham
5 Margaret d Thos Booker, clerk
14 Ann d Nicholas Segrave
Nov 18 Richard s Wm Bayly (Baly)
Dec 2 Robt s Bartholomew Parish
17 Margaret d Robt Grant
Feb 4 Ann Ploughrite
4 Dorothy Cole
11 Richard s Gratian Clarke
18 Roger s Roger Bulker
18 Thos s John Bird (Byrd)
25 Matthew d John Bembrose
Mar 11 Dorothy d John Ely
18 John s John Lamset
June 16 Wm Waren
16 Prudence Crosse
Aug 6 Thos s James Bate
Sept 15 Christopher s Katherine Robertes
Oct 14 Hannah d Vincent FInimore
… 28 Henry Bell
… 28 Eliz Waren
                 Thomas Booker, Curate
                 Wm Gardner
                                 Gray, C/Ws
Dec 2 Robt s Robt Bernard
23 Frances Wilbore


Jan 27 Wm s Wm Wilson
Feb 23 Richard s Thos Hodgson
Mar 2 Jane d John Wilson
9 Alice d Robt Love
Mar 30 Thos s Anthony Wise
Apr 27 Agnes d Matthew Rowles
May 18 Wm s John Palmer
25 Wm s John Wilson
June 8 Katherine Crosse
8 Ann Peter
15 Mary d Wm Gardner
29 Robt s John Sergeant
Sept 12 Robt s John Winckley
28 Thos s John Bembrose
Oct 7 Ann d Robt Martin
Nov 2 Thos s Solomon Marshall
7 Alice Lote
7 Grace Wilbore
Dec 7 Henry s Anthony Sharpe
Jan 4 John s Robt Walson
11 Wm s Henry Plowright
18 Sara d Gratian Clarke
Feb 1 Robt s John Byrd
15 Mary d Wm Bayly
Mar 1 Edward s n.g. Beckingham
1 Martha Beckingham
1 Robt Hely
1 Thos Ireland
                    Thos: Booker, Curate
                     Edward Waren
                     John Wilbore, C/Ws
Apr 12 Richard Waren
12 Ann Wortley
May 3 John s Roger
June 10 Richard s Richard Winckles
17 Grace d Thos Brown
21 Wm s Hugh* Waren
July 8 Wm s Marmaduke Cole*
Aug 11 Mary d                   Needham
16 Jude d Wm Cervington, gent.
Sept 10 Thos s John Love
11 Robt s Robt Brookes
Nov 11 John s John Crosse
18 Griffin s Richard Norras
22 John s Robt Gibbins
22 Jane d Robt Finimore
Jan 1 Hercules s John Etty
10 Grace d John Wilson
Feb 24 Mary d Vincent Finimore
Mar 6 Grace d Wm Wilson
21 Henry s John Bembrose
June 27 John s Nicholas Segrave
July 24 Thos s John Henson
24 Avis d Zachary Ireland


Aug 5* John s Jeffery Gardner
Aug 15 Henry s Bartholomew Parish
28 Frances d Peter Martin
Oct 7 Robt s Wm Gardner
Nov 7 Thos s Thos Booker, clerk
7 Grace d John Wilbore
21 Agnes d Michael Baker
Dec 5 Thos s John crosse
12 Jane d John Birde
16 John s Robt Love
Jan 23 Alice d John Love
Feb 6 Jane d Thos Palfryman
11 Helen d John Greene
13 Anthony and Isabel Wise
Mar 20 Sara d Henry Saunders
Thomas Booker, Curate
John Gardner
Nathaniel Skellington, C/Ws
Apr 3 Eliz d Wm Cervington
May 15 Agnes d Roger Bulker
22 Eliz d Robt White
June 5 Dorothy d Thos Keyes
14 Mary d Warner Marshall
26 Eliz d Thos Clarke
July 24 Thos s John Winckly
Sept 18 John s John Brookes
Nov 6 Alice d John Tompson
15 John s Edward Waren
Dec 11 John s John Wildbore
Dec 11 Mary d Gratian Clarke
18 Frances d Francis Newbone
Jan 1 Robt s Robt Willisey
1 Eliz d Thos Hodgson
15 Silvester s Matthew Rowles
15 Faith d Thos Wilbore
Feb 5 Joan d George Needham
12 James s John Crosse
Apr 1 Eliz d Henry Plowright
4 Robt s John Sherman
May 13 Agnes d Wm Hutchin
24 Eliz d Vincent Finimore
June 24 George s John Hely
July 7 Robt s Robt Stape
14 Joan d Wm Baly
28 Margaret d John Henson
Aug 21 Winifred d Wm Cervington
Sept 28 John s Richard Winckley
30 Edward s Hugh Waterfall
Oct 7 Ellen d Thos Palfryman
14 Eliz d Geroge Hely
Nov 6 John s Edward Kisby
Dec 2 Ellen d Jeffery Gardner
9 Ellen d John Bembrose
Jan 25 Eliz d               Finimore


Feb 3 James s John Watson
7 Ruth and Dorothy Lewin daughters of Wm Lewin
17 Ellen d Peter Marten
24 Wm s Thos Hodgson
Mar 3 Wm s John Wilson
16 Wm Crosse
16 Agnes Bird
                 Tho : Brooker, Curate
                 Tho :Wilbore
                 James Bate, C/Ws
Apr 14 Isabel d Anthony Sharpe
14 John baseborn son of Emm Clarke
16 Robt s Miles Watkin
May 12 John s Thos Waren
June 9 Wm s Robt Bore
June 16 Robt s Robt Needham
29 Katherine d Robt Willeson
Aug 4 Agnes d John Brookes
18 Amy d Thos Bell
Sept 29 Eliz d Bartholomew Parish
Oct 6 Wm s John Jackson
6 Peter s George Needham
13 Eliz d Wm Bayly
13 Grace d Bartholomew Gardner
Nov 17 Bridget d Francis Newbone
Dec 15 John s Robt Brookes
Jan 5 Mathew s John Bembrose
Mar 9 John s Zachary Ireland
16 Thos s George Elsey
June 1 Robt s Tobt ..itts
3 Joan d Roger Bulker
July 6 Joan d John Tompson
Aug 5 Katherine d Wm Cromistain*
July 24 John s John Lee
Sept 21 Wm s Wm Lewin
Oct 7 Robt Boore
7 Ann Hely
Nov 1 Simon s John Byrd
9 Mary d John Brookes
16 Richard s John Walton
30 Prudence d John Crosse
Jan 8                D Robt Needham
16 Wm* s Robt Brookes
29 Agnes d Henry S
Mar 15                    D Wm Wilson
                                           Thomas Booker, Curate
                                           Edward Kisby
                                           Robt Bore, C/Ws
Mar 27 Wm s Matthew Rowels
Apr 5 Robt s John Bembrose
19 George s Robt Gibbins
19 Alice d Agnes & Vincent Finimore
May 3 Francis s Richard Winckly
June 7 Philip d Thos Wilbore


June 14                                D Thos Waren
Aug 4 Christopher s Mr Christopher Thirsby, Esq
Sept 20 Joan d John Hely
Sept 27 Grace d John Waren
Oct 18 John s Lawrence Procter
Nov 1 John s John Jackson
… .. Wm s Wm Bayly (Baly)
Nov .. Agnes d Roger Atkinson
Dec 6 Jane d Hugh
Jan 3 Ann d Zachary
17 Hannah d John Tysum
Feb 21* Sara d Abraham Hely
Mar 11* Thos s George Needham
Apr 17 Samuel s Samuel &
May 8 Matthye d John & Agnes Walton
15 Amy d Matthew & Agnes Rowles
22 Mary d Christopher & Constance Bower
June 24 Vincent s Vincent & Agnes Finimore
July 3 Robert and   sons of George & Ellen Elsey
Aug 7 Wm s Wm & Agnes Frach*
29 Eliz d Mr Christopher Thirsby
Sept 11 Faith d John & Katherine Crosse
Nov 6 Thos s Bartholomew Parish
20 Alice d Peter Martin
30 John s Wm & Dorothy Lewin
Dec 4 Ann* d Edward Kisbye
4 Ann d Jeffery & Mary Gardner
29 Mary d Henry Stoyet*
Jan 8 Eleanor d Robt Bore
15 Mary d John Tysum
Feb 19 John s John Tompson
                                   Thomas Booker, Curate
                                                   Brookes, C/W
Mar 26 Thos s Robt Brookes
Apr 16 Eliz d Wm Symons
23 Henry s Wm Wilson
July .. Wm s Thos Browne
July .. John s Thos Hodgson
Aug 30 Frances d Thos Haukins
Sept 17 Wm s John Bird
Oct 8 Lawrence s Lawrence Procter
Nov 5 Thos s Thos Bate
Dec 17 Alice d Robt Bate
Jan 14 John s James Harison
21 Wm s Roger Bulker
28 Richard s John Waren
Feb 4 Ellen d George Elsy
11 Ann d Francis Pollard
Mar 15 John s Thos Lawford
18 Robt s Hugh Waterfall
June 10 Eleanor Grimshaw d Thos Grimshall
Aug 5 Robt s Robt Willisey
10        D Wm Symons
Sept 2 Robt s Zachary Ireland


Oct 14                      s Wm Chamberlin
Oct 10 Catherine d Sir John Lee, Kt
28 Ruth d Wm Lewin
Nov 16 Thos s Thos Hawkins
Dec 26 Frances d Richard Bower
Jan 1 Ann d Wm Powden*
Feb 10 Christopher s Christopher Sargeant
Mar 11 Joan d Robt Bore
Apr 15 Robt s Robt Wilson
22 Eliz d Wm Baly
May 2 Thos s Christopher Thirsby, Esq
19 Ann d John Jackson
June 23 Ann d Christopher Steeles
A.. 26 Mary d Sir John Lee, Kt
Aug 11 John s Robt & Abigail Brookes
Sept 29 Francis s Matthew Ro….
Oct 27 Thos s Robt Bate
… 17 John s John Tysome
… .. Zachary s Zachary Ireland
… 22 Samuel s Samuel Lawrett
… 24              s John Crosse
… 1 Susanna d John Waren
… 8                d Robt Bower
… ..                d Robt Needham*
Dec* 22 Wm s Wm Watkin
                               Thos Booker, Curate
Dec 26 Richard s Lovelidge     Ley
29 Sara d Robt Chamberlin
Feb 2 Robert and Elizabeth son and daughter of Wm Wilson
16 John s Francis Pollard
16 Ellen d Lawrence Procter
19 Robt s Thos Sechill
22 Ann d James Harrison
Mar 1 Wm s George & Ellen Elsey
Apr 12 John s Thos & Grace Gardner
May 3 Ann d Nicholas             rington
7 John s Christopher & Mary Sergeant
June 2 Wm s Richard & Ellen Colls
July 4 Richard s Edward & Frances Kisbye
7 Edward s           ditto
Aug ..              d Richard & Joan Lambert
12 Richard s Richard & Ellen Etty
16 Wm s John Holmes
16 John s John & Margaret Wilson
19 John s Wm & Susan Royden
23 Henry s ditto
23 John s John & Dorothy Norton
Sept 20 Eliz d Christopher & Eliz Bower
Oct 5 Downehall (=Donald*) s Christopher Thirsbye, Esq
26 Eliz d Robt Willesey*
Nov 1 Eliz d John Jackson
8 Jeffery s Jeffery Gray