Ref No
I/B 1003.25
Castor Baptisms 1580 - 1597


Oct 9 Christopher s Christopher Bankes
9 Robt s john Westell
23 Katherine d Thos Parker
Nov 14 Roger s Wm Wilson of A
20 Grace d Richard Wilbore
20 Margery d Wm Waren
Jan 22 Thos s George Needham
Mar 18 Thos s George Waren
Apr 2 Joan d John Robertes
Apr 9 Robt s Cuthbert Miller
23 Philip s Goodlake Russell
30 Eliz d Philip Saunders
May 5 Emmanuel s Gerard Ivers
Sept 7 Philip daughter of Christopher Clarke
10 Jane Gorton
17 Katherine d Robt Bordman
Oct 14 Emme d Wm Brookes
Nov 8 Wm s Wm Miller
10 Agnes d John Britten
Dec 17 Joan d Thos Fletcher
24 Anne d David Tiplady
26 Isabel d James Sargeant
Jan 7 Eliz d Wm Wilson of Castor
14 Alice d Griffin Norris
Feb 27 Grace d Andrew Patricke
Mar 9 Wm s George Needham
Apr 16 John Turner
May 31 Steven s Robt Halpeny
June 12 Eliz d Thos Wilbore
July 1 John s Percy Sargeant
Aug 10 John s John Adison
19 Christopher s Wm Waren
Dec 16 Richard s Richard Love
Jan 13 Eliz d James Sargeant
20 John Palmer
Mar 5 Seath s Wm Wilson
10 Jane d David Tiplady
23 Ursula d John Bordman
Apr 14 Ann d Christopher Clarke
25 Alice d Lawrence Joyce
25 Seath s Richard Segrave
July 7 Anne d Henry Grenam
28 Wm s Richard Tiplady
29 Wm s Wm Wilson
Aug 3 Richard s Thomas Parker
Sept 29 Christopher s Robt Milner
Oct 2 Richard s Christopher Farforth
6 Allin s Wm Miller
6 Eliz d Clement Miller
20 Philip daughter John Ley
Nov 10 Christopher s John Robertes
Dec 8 Katherine Bankes
8 Susan d Griffin Norris


Dec 21 Christopher s John Britten
26 Katherine d John Jurden*
Jan 26 Denise Russell
Feb 19 George s James Jackson
29 Grace d Wm Waren
Apr 18 Alice d Henry Lote*
22 Eliz d John Adison
26 Robt s George Needham
Aug 29 Christopher s Wm Orgen*
Nov 15 Joan d James Sargeant
18 Eliz d George Yates
Dec 20 Richard s Philip Saunders
21 Christopher s Christopher Wilson
25 Anne d Henry Sawford
Jan 10 Richard s Christopher Farforth
Jan 23 Robt s Lawrence Fereby
24 Thos s Robt Halpeny
31 Alice d Thos Wilbore
Feb 8 Wms David Tiplady
June 6 Steven s Percy Sargeant
6 Ralph s Richard Love
July 12 Edward s Gerard Ivers
Aug 15 John s George Needham
Sept 5 Dorothy d Wm Waren
12 Robt s Roger Atkinson
19 Anne d Wm Wilson
Oct 24 Christopher s Wm Wilson of C.
Nov 14 Alice d Thos Hodgson
21 Ellen d Griffin Norris
28 Wm s John Waren
Dec 21 Richard s John Ley
Jan 6 Jane d Cuthbert Miller
21 Silvester s John Robertes
Apr 13 Tabitha d John Wells
25 Briget d John Adison
May 22 Richard s John Jurden
27 Agnes d Robt Miller
Aug 10 Alice d Christopher Bankes
Sept 11 John s Wm Miller
18 Anne d Nicholas Wiles
21 Dorothy d Henry Lole
Oct 16 Ellen d Wm Wilson
Oct 30 Edward Bordman
Dec 23 Edward s Laurence Joyce
27 Thos s Thos Hawkins
Mar 26 Marian Segrave
Apr 2 Jane d Christopher Wilson
10 Joseph s John Palmer
June 4 Phlip s James Sargeant
6 Dorothy d Christopher Clarke
29 Jane d Goodlake Russell
July 30 Steven s Lawrence Fereby


Aug 18 Jane d Henry Campinet
20 John s Richard Love
Sept 24 Wm s Thos Wilbore
Oct 18 Ellen d Christopher Hakeman
Dec 24 Thos s Thos Dinge
Jan 13 Bridget d Wm Waren
28 Dorothy d Eliz Tayler
Feb 21 Boniface s Henry Greenam
Mar 3 Anne d Henry Sawford
11 Joan d Robt Bordman
24 Grace d Wm WIlson
Mar 29 Anne d Robt Halpeny
Apr 4 Bridget d Hugh Smith
21 Jane d John Robertes
May 16 John s john Ley
Sept 8 Cicely d Roger Atkinson
Sept 9 Robt s Henry Lole
Oct 13 Eliz d Richard Alby
Nov 1 Mary d Henry Campinet
10 Joan d John Jurden
29 Edward Samles
Jan 5 Eliz n.g.
Feb 10 Thos s Christopher Wilson
Mar 16 Mary d Robt Brookes
21 Eliz d Robt Miller
May 8 Wms Wm Ratcliffe
June 15 Alice Wells d John
July 20 Thos s Nicholas Wiles
25 Eliz d George Needham
25 Mary d Henry Sawford
26 Silvester s Anthony Be(e)tles
Aug 3 Cicely d Griffin Norris
3 Eliz d Christopher Tayler
9 Jane d Thos Hodson
30 Jane d Wm Miller
31 Eliz d George Waren
Sept 28 John s Goodlake Russell
Oct 11 Ellen d Wm Waren
18 Richard s Christopher Bankes
18 Thos s Steven Wardall
Nov 20 Richard s Thomas Homes
30 John s Thos Dinge
30 Wm s Wm Robinson
Jan 11 Robt s Cuthbert Miller
Feb 15 Robt s Richard Alby
Mar 14 Eliz d Christopher Wilson
Apr 5 James s James Sargeant
Apr 19 Roger and Nicholas sons of n.g. Segrave
19 John s Ralph Hart
Mar 10 Godfrey s Hugh Smith
June 29 John s Henry Greenam


July 19 Anne d Lawrence Ferebie
25 Katherine d Joan Boomer
Aug 23 Thos s John Waren
Sept 27 Henry s Henry Lote
Oct 4 Robt s Richard Love
18 Philip s Philip Wilbore
Nov 1 Anne d Robt Mishell
29 Wm s Jeffery Garnar
29 Robt s Wm Ratcliffe
Dec 27 Alice d Christopher Tayler
30 Cicely d Robt Bordman
Feb 21 Ellen d Roger Atkinson
1591 Apr 4 Christopher s Robt Halpeny       1591
May 2 Christopher s Thos Greene
Oct 10 Dorothy d Richard Bayly
24 Ellen d Anthony Betles
Nov 30 Thos s Wm Miller
Dec 5 Liz d Henry Sawford
Jan 1 Eliz d Ralph Hart
16 Isabel d Christopher Hakeman
Feb 9 Thos s John Hely
12 Ellen d Jeffery Garnar
Mar 1 Wm s John Jurden
19 Samuel s Christopher Sargeant
Apr 9 Cicely d Robt Brookes
14 John s Wm Waren
June 29 John s John Fulshawe
July 23 Ellen d Richard Segrave
Sept 16 Alice d George Waren
Oct 9 Isabel d Steven Wardall
Nov 19 Zachary Bayly
Dec 10 Jane   .organor
10 Alice d John Wilbore
Jan 6 Alice d Christopher Bankes
21 Anne d John Hely
Mar 4 Joan d George Needham
Apr 22 Eliz d John Wattes
29 Moses s Christopher Wilson
May 27 Wm s Roger Atkinson
Aug 5 Peter s Wm Miller
Sept 9 Eliz d Richard Love
30 Katharine d Thos Dinge
Oct 7 Ellen d John Mishell
28 Robt s Robt Bordman
Dec 1 Ralph and Thomas sons of n.g. Hart
2 Thos s Anthony Betles
Jan 12 Jane Hill
Feb 30 John Tenby
Mar 10 James s Thos Stanian
10 Joseph Garner
23 Anne d Griffin Norris


Apr 7 Edward s Richard Alby
25 Jane d John Wattes
May 26 Christopher s George Needham
June 23 Wm Wilson
30 Christopher s Edward Clarke
July 28 Thos s Wm Waren
Aug 11 Christopher s Christopher Bate
11 Grace d John Wilbore
Sept 1 Eliz d John Hely
29 Isabel d Christopher Hakeman
Oct 20 John s John Mishell
27 Joan d Richard Bayly
Nov 3 Mary d Wm Ratcliffe
10 Eliz d Roger Atkinson
17 Eliz d John Edwardes
24 Ellen Greene
Dec 21 Griffin s Wm Miller
21 Emme d James Sargeant
22 Thos s Thos Dinge
Jan 5 Eliz d John Bemrose
Mar 23 Alice d Prudence Ba…m
Apr 6 Mary d Wm Waren
May 25 Alice d Steven Wardall
Aug 3 John Musworth
9 Mary d Christopher Wilson
Oct 18 Richard Core
Nov 9 Wm s Robt Finimore
Jan 29 Thos s Richard Baldin
Feb 1 Ellen d George Waren
Apr 4 George s George Needham
8 Thos s Philip Wilbore
13 John Watkin
May 2 Margarent d Griffin Norris
June 17 Mary d Edward Clarke
July 17 Richard s Thos Stanian
Aug 27 Mary d Richard Bayly
Sept 5 Wm s Christopher Bate
19 Eleanor d John Wattes
Oct 3 Henry s John Mishell
10 Brudence d John Hely (*Prudence)
Nov 14 Alice d Robt Mishell
Dec 5          d Henry Wells
26 Eliz d Richard Duke
Jan 30 Henry s Thos Dinge
Feb 2 Mary d John More
6 Prudence d Ribt Wright
20 Christopher s John Steele
Mar 25 Thos s Richard Love
May 8 John s John Bartram
15 Henry s John Wilbore
17 Anne d Jeffery Garnar
June 5 Margaret d Christopher Hakeman
19 John s John Bemrose