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Castor Church E Rectors Of Castor Pics Data Base Ref C C 2015 NY WEB

Castor Church E Rectors Of Castor Pics Data Base Ref C C 2015 NY WEB

We do know the names of some of the Parish Priests of Castor from before 1228 eg

Richard, Priest of Castor before 1133, who on becoming a Monk gifted Castor Church to Abbey.

Robert, Chaplain of Castor, succeeded Richard in 1133.

1228  Virgilius, d. buried at Castor Note : Curate at Upton was Swein, Curate at Sutton was John
1240  Will de Burgo
Pet de Augusta, d.
1287 Joh de Affordeby, d., formerly rect. of Polebrook
1314 Will de Melton, r. there was a vic.of Pightesley of this name 1306-10 and vic. of Wedon 1347-49
1316 Rog de Northburgh
1317 Rog de Nassington
1320 Joh de Aslakeby
1336 Hen de Edenford
1340 Alex de Ormesby, LLD
1345 Rob Swetman de Dodyngton
1355 Joh de Wilford
1355 Gervas Warde
Rob de Austhorp
1372  Ric de Leycester
Will Borstall
1378 Tho Hervey, buried at Castor
1383 Tho Pykwell
1385 Joh de Langford
Ralph Repyngham, d. Preb. of Lichfield and Sarum, also dean of S.Adde, colleglate church Salop
1416 Will Kynwolmersh. Presented by abp. Of Canterbury: he was dean of S. Martin’s, London, and buried  in the cloister there. In 1422 he was appointed ‘Domini Regis Thesaurarius.’ Bridges gives two  successive rectors the same name.
1419 Tho Whiston, LLD
Ric Raynhill, r. also rect. of Stanwick nd Paston.
1449 Will Witham, LLD, r.Archdn. of Stow, 1464, dn. of S.Mary, Leicester, 1462
1459  John Colynson, r.
Tho Harby,d., buried at Castor
1460  Joh Sybely, d.
1466 Will Wytham, LLD, r.
1466 Tho Tanfield, STB, d., buried at Peterborough Abbey/Cathedral, also rect. of Harpole and Gayton.
1474 Tho Dalyson
1477 Tho Blencho
1477 Joh Palady, LLB, d.Rect. of Arthingworth, 1461, Holcot, 1496, Weston Favell,1470, Blisworth,1473,  also warden of Wappenham, 1470-90, and there buried, ‘nuper Gardianus hujus Ecclesie.’
1490  Hen Rudde, LLD, d. Rect. of Weston Coville, Camb, 1478, Cottingham, 1486,Pitchley,1487,  Downham, Camb.,1490. Also vic. gen.and comm.. of Ely diocese. In his will he directs his body to be  buried at Bury S. Edmunds ‘before S. Christopher.’ He left £50. to Peterborough monastery, and legacies  for vestments to Castor.
1506  Joh Gayton, d.
Joh Marys
1543 Augustine Dudley, d. Fuller mentions Dudley as a reputed martyr. ‘yet on enquiry, his sufferings  amounted not to loss of life.’ There was but one martyr in the county, John Hurd, a shoemaker, of  Byresham, burnt at Northampton, 1557
1544  Hug Rawlyns, AM.He assisted in drawing up articles against Ferrar, bp. of  S. David’s, ultimately  burnt at Carmarthem, 1555.
1546 Joh ap Harry, LLD, d., buried at Castor, Princ. Of Broadgate Hall, Oxf., chancellor of Llandaff and  Peterborough, and archdn. Of Northampton.
1549 Will Jeffrey, LLD. Archdn. Of Northampton, chancellor of Sarum.
1561  Chr Hodgeson, AB, d. Preb. of Peterborough.
1600 Laur Stanton, STP, d. Dn. of Lincoln, and rect. of Uffington, Linc. Buried at Uffington, where is a  monument to him in alabaster and marble.
1613 Tho Dove, AM, d. Bishop, buried at Peterborough Abbey/Cathedral, Archdn. of Northampton, preb. of  Peterborough
1629 Warner Marshall, AM, d. Bishop, Preb. of Peterborough
1632  Will Peirse, STP, r. Bishop
1633 Augustine Lindsell , STP, r. Bishop
1634 Fr Dee, STP, d. Bishop, buried at Peterborough Abbey/Cathedral
1639 Joh Towers, STP, deprived. Bishop, buried at Peterborough Abbey/Cathedral. John Towers was arrested  for High Treason by Oliver Cromwell and locked up in the Tower of London. He died 10 January 1648.
1646 Edm Spinkes, deprived. Also rect. of Orton Longueville. Ejected under the Act of Uniformity.
1660 Benj Laney, STP, r. Bishop
1663  Jos Henshaw, STP, d. Bishop
1679 Will Lloyd, STP, r. Bishop
1685 Tho White, STP, deprived. Bishop
1691 Ric Cumbreland, STP, d. Bishop, buried at Peterborough Abbey/Cathedral
1718 White Kennet, STP, d. Bishop, buried at Peterborough Abbey/Cathedral
1728 Rob Clavering, STP, d. Bishop, buried at Peterborough Abbey/Cathedral
1747 Joh Thomas, STP, r. Bishop
1757 Ric Terrick, STP, r. Bishop
1764 Rob Lamb, LLD, r. Bishop
1769 Joh Hinchcliffe, STP, d. Bishop, buried at Peterborough Abbey/Cathedral
1794 Spencer Madans, STP, d. Bishop, buried at Peterborough Abbey/Cathedral
1813 Joh Parsons, STP, d. Bishop
1819 Herb Marsh, STP, d. Bishop, buried at Peterborough Abbey/Cathedral
1839 Geo Davys, STP, r. Bishop, buried at Peterborough Abbey/Cathedral
1851 Geo Andrews, AM, d., buried at Castor
1864 Joh Jas Beresford, STB. Formerly fellow of S. John’s, Camb., and precentor of Peterborough.
1897 L Leader Cooper
1911 Charles A Hulbert, Hon Canon
1918  Lloyd T Jones, Hon Canon
1920 Wallace R Morse, Hon Canon
1926  Cornelius Carleton, Hon Canon
1947  Thomas Payne Adler – also Rector of  Marholm, ashes buried at Castor
1975 Adrian Paul Davies – also Rector of  Marholm, Sutton and Upton
1982 John Anthony Harper – also Rector of Sutton and Upton
1995 Wm Spencer Dwerryhouse Burke – also Rector of  Marholm, Sutton and Upton

1230 Swein – Chaplain at Upton
1230 John – Chaplain at Sutton
1553 Edward Stokes
1606 Thomas ?Sryorhy
1610 Henrye Smith
1622 Thomas Booker
1667 George Gascoigne
1672 Geoffrey Hawkins
1673  S Wisher
1681 John Cooper
1685 John Coveney
1688 Thomas Abbot
1700 Oliver Pocklington
1706 George Baxter
1716 Henry Bedell
1750 Joscelyn Perry – also Rector of Marholm
1770 Kennet Gibson – also Rector of Marholm
1772 Thomas Layng – also Rector of Marholm
1796 Christopher Hodgson – also Rector of Marholm
1849 Jos W Harman, AM – also Rector of Marholm
1854  Constantine B Yeoman – also Rector of Marholm


RECTORS OF CASTOR Thomas Dove  AM 1613 sml

1613 Tho Dove, AM, d. Bishop, buried at Peterborough Abbey/Cathedral, Archdn. of Northampton, preb. of Peterborough

RECTORS OF CASTOR Frederick Dee STP 1634 sml

1634 Fr Dee, STP, d. Bishop, buried at Peterborough Abbey/Cathedral

RECTORS OF CASTOR  1639 John Tower STP 023 sml

1639 John Towers, STP, deprived. Bishop, buried at Peterborough Abbey/Cathedral. John Towers was arrested for High Treason by Oliver Cromwell and locked up in the Tower of London. He died 10 January 1648.

RECTORS OF CASTOR Benjamin Laney STP 1660 sml

1660 Benjamin Laney, STP, r. Bishop

RECTORS OF CASTOR William Lloyd STP 1679 sml

1679 Will Lloyd, STP, r. Bishop

Fig 3. RECTORS OF CASTOR White PICS 025 sml

1685 Tho White, STP, deprived. Bishop

RECTORS OF CASTOR Richard Cumberland STP 1691 sml

1691 Ric Cumbreland, STP, d. Bishop, buried at Peterborough Abbey/Cathedral

RECTORS OF CASTOR White Kennett STP 1718 sml

1718 White Kennet, STP, d. Bishop, buried at Peterborough Abbey/Cathedral

RECTORS OF CASTOR Richard Terrick STP 1757 sml

1757 Ric Terrick, STP, r. Bishop

RECTORS OF CASTOR Robert Lamb LLD 1764 sml

1764 Rob Lamb, LLD, r. Bishop

RECTORS OF CASTOR John Hinchcliffe STP 1769 sml

1769 Joh Hinchcliffe, STP, d. Bishop, buried at Peterborough Abbey/Cathedral

RECTORS OF CASTOR Spencer Madan STP 1794 sml

1794 Spencer Madans, STP, d. Bishop, buried at Peterborough Abbey/Cathedral

Fig 6. RECTORS OF CASTOR Parsons PICS 004 sml

1813 Joh Parsons, STP, d. Bishop

RECTORS OF CASTOR Herbert Marsh STP 1819 sml

1819 Herb Marsh, STP, d. Bishop, buried at Peterborough Abbey/Cathedral

RECTORS OF CASTOR George Davys  STP 1839 sml

1839 Geo Davys, STP, r. Bishop, buried at Peterborough Abbey/Cathedral

RECTORS OF CASTOR John James Beresford STB 1864 sml

1864 Joh Jas Beresford, STB. Formerly fellow of S. John’s, Camb., and precentor of Peterborough.


1897 L Leader Cooper

RECTORS OF CASTOR canon Charles A Hulbert 1911 sml

1911 Charles A Hulbert, Hon Canon

RECTORS OF CASTOR Lloyd T Jones canon 1918 sml

1918 Lloyd T Jones, Hon Canon

1920Wallace R Morse, Hon Canon

1920 Wallace R Morse, Hon Canon

1926 Cornelius Carleton, Hon Canon

RECTORS OF CASTOR Thomas Payne Adler 1947 sml

1947 Thomas Payne Adler – also Rector of Marholm, ashes buried at Castor

RECTORS OF CASTOR Adrian Paul Davies 1975 sml

1975 Adrian Paul Davies – also Rector of Marholm, Sutton and Upton

RECTORS OF CASTOR John Anthony Harper 1982 sml

1982 John Anthony Harper – also Rector of Sutton and Upton

RECTORS OF CASTOR W Burke  1995(1) sml

1995 Wm Spencer Dwerryhouse Burke – also Rector of Marholm, Sutton and Upton

RECTORS OF CASTOR William Spencer Dwerryhouse Burke 1995 sml

1995 Wm Spencer Dwerryhouse Burke – also Rector of Marholm, Sutton and Upton