Ref No
I/B 1003.1
Castor Baptisms 1538 - 1580


1538 Oct 10 Dorothy d Thos Ashbie
Dec 10 Eliz d n.g. Miller
13 Agnes Reede
27 Hugh Brook
Jan 2 John F….
(a hole in the page)
Feb 12
19 Richard
24 man
23 Eliz Wilson
1539 Apr 5 Agnes Foster
21 Roger …
… 29 Frances Asthner
… 16 Jane Ley
… 5 Alice Rosse
Alice Large*   Aug ..
Sept .. Joan
Sept 21 Agnes Raven
27 Joan Halsop
Oct 1 Eliz Chamberlaine
17 Katherine Nicolson
Dec 6 Nicholas Waren
Jan 20* John Marrit
Jan … Ellen Barton*
Mar 7 Anne Bate
1540 July 30
Aug 2
Aug 8
Aug 3
Sept 1 Barnewell
28 Wm Ley
Oct 9 Eliz Wilson
..ber 20 Wm Greene (a hole in the page)
… 22 Joan Glover
… 18 Wm Walson
Dec* .. Cuthbert Miller
Dec 3 Catherine Atkin
25 Eliz Wilson
Jan 21 Katherine Al.e
Feb 18 Andrew Chamberlayne
23 Alice Abaston*
Mar 9 Eliz Ashbey
9 John Barber
1541 Apr 8 Margaret Raven
May 10 John Edns
12 Wm Nicolson
29 Aug Ellen Walson
Sept 8 Wm Heynes
8 John Foster
Nov 12 Wm Waren
Dec 28 Robt Curtis
30 John Nicolson
31 Ann and Dorothy Alsop
Jan 21 John Mosse
Feb 23 Robt Williamson
1541 Feb 25 John Aisbie
1542 May 28June 30Aug 4Oct 2512

Oct . .

Nov 13


Dec 31

Jan 3


Feb 28

Mar 3


Lawrence BarnewellJohn BateJohn CurtesChristian TongeEdith WilsonDorothy * MillnerDorothy Glover

Edith Edin

Katherine Ley

Alice Nicholson

Silvester Walson

Richard Waren

Katherine Boston

Edith Mosse

Margaret Aisbe

Samuel and Robt Alsop

1543 May 821July 615Sept 26Nov 3



Dec 29

Jan 28


Richard ChamberlayneJohn PryerWm ChamberlayneJohn AEdit HeynesHelen Linge*

Wm Foster

Joan Williamson

Eliz Nicolson

Henry Humfrey


1544 Apr 9161616June 615

Aug 28

Sept 15




Oct 18


Nov 9




Dec 31

Jan 22

Edward BackminsterCiprian WilliamsonGoodeth StablesMargery NicolsonRobt MosseAgnes Chamberlayne

Hugh Glover

Thos Wilbore

Ann Clipsham

Alice Wilson

Joan Darby

John A

Thriston Freeman

Goodeth Millner

Margaret Waren

Catherie Fairbarne

Wm Waren

Wm Curtes

Joan Brake

1545 May 12*20July 19Aug 31Sept 2Oct 6

Nov 8


Dec 18


Jan 28


Ellen Bronst*Eliz TongeJohn AsleyRichard Segrave*Robt ChamberlayneJohn Wright

Augustine Linge*

Augustine Freeman

Wm Stables

Robt Alsop

Wm Marshall

Alice Hole
















































Jan 28Feb 1822Mar 525Apr 11

June 6


July 28

Sept 5

Oct 22

Nov 8

Jan 1


Feb 3



Apr 2


May 6

Aug 19

Sept 17


Oct 10



Dec 1

Feb 15


Mar 24

May 11

Dec 21

Dec 28

Jan 6

Feb 22

July 2

Aug 15

Sept 13

Oct 8


Nov 7

Jan 9

Feb 19



Mar 3




Mar 27


June 12

Aug 3


Sept 30

Oct 13


Alice HoleRobt ClipshamRobt MilnerThirstone PryerJoan GromeJoan Brisco

Robt Walson

Joan Raven

Eliz Bankes

Thristone Garset

George Waren

John Waren

Cecily Wilson

Alice Glover


Alice Williamson

Eliz Tonge

Robt Haynes

Wm Berone*

Wm Mosse

Dorothy Chamberlayne

Margery Manninge

John Aisbe

Chirstopher Waren

Robt Stockes

John Curtisse

Edith Smith

Christopher Milner

Eliz Raven

Eliz Wilson

Eliz Hook

Joan Kinge

John Tiplady

Giles Chamberlayne

John and Joan * Feirbarne*

Robt Mossell

Eliz Brisco

Alice Curtis

Christopher Pryer

Thos Williamson

Margery Walson

Geroge Curtis

Francis Barker

Christopher Askew

Edward Waren

Edith Bankes

Eliz Husney*


Agnes Story*

John Staples

Robt Chamberlayne

Joan Smith

John Waren

Thristone Waren

John Brooke

Agnes Heynes

Wm Asine*


Nov 3 Wm Martinn
Jan 1 Anne Mussill*
1 Dorothy Williamson
4              Wilson
8              Mosse
Feb 2 Robt Curtes
13 Robert * F.11*
27 Wm Wilbore
May 8 W ……..son
19 Joan Milner
June 1 John Hooke
July 7 Bridget Manninge*
20 Robt Stockes
Aug 10 Wm Linge
Sept 2 David Tiplady
4 Robt Pernell*
Dec 11 Ellen Brooke
27 Roger Waren
Jan 19 Ellen Newtin*
24 Ellen Nushele*
Mar 21 Ellen Walson
Apr 7 Peter Wilson
9 Jane Waren
June 19 Wm Brisco
July 12 Joan Bankes
28 Griselda Staple
Sept 23 John Stockes
Nov 21 Wm Curtis
Dec 7 Margery Markham
Jan 4 Goodeth Mosse
23 Robt Edns
25 Joan Chamberlayne
Feb 16 Wm Howtin (Howlin*)
Apr 10 Thirstone Heynes
23 Agnes Curtis
July 10 Eliz Hole
Aug 24 Bartholomew Wilson
Nov 9 Petronell Allin
20 Allin Meilner
27 Wm Waren
Dec 4 Dorothy Wilbore
Apr 2 Margaret Ashbe*
Dec 24 Katherine Stockes
Apr 16 Goodeth Waren
May 28 Eliz Walson
July 9 Agnes Linge*
June 25 Ralph Tiplady
July 16 Thristin Mussall
Nov 4 Alice Brooke
5 Agnes Westell
Dec 2 Ellen Hoole


Mar 16 Agnes Mosse
Apr 7 Christopher Bankes
May 4 Beatrice Smith
26 Wm Milner
June 21* Ellen Stockes
Aug 5 Goodeth Brisco
Feb 3 Margaret Sargeant
12 Christopher Markham
14 Eliz Waren
5 Alice Linge
8 Bridget Capttake*
1555 Mar 25     George Wilbman
May 20 Richard Allen
June 7 Francis Williamson
7 Dorothy Westell
23 John Edwards
Aug 11 John Tacker
13 Agnes Williamson
13 Nicholas Writte
24 Eliz d Dorothy Writte
Sept 2 John Waren
Oct 7 Robt Wilbore
29 Thos Write
Nov 10 Joan Hole
22 Christopher Wilson
25 Anthony Davy
Mar 29 Eliz Stockes
July 20 Agnes Wilmer
Aug 4 Richard Joyce
9 Christopher Edward(s*)
Sept 24 Eliz Tiplady
Oct 5 Thirston Curtis
14 Joan Brooke
14 Robt Hole
30 Ellen Markahm
Nov 12 Robt Edus* (Edns)
25 John Wryght
Dec 1 Robt Mussell*
4 Richard Berdall
Feb 6 Goodeth Oldham*
11 Goodeth Brisco
Feb 17 Alice Wilbore
Mar 20 Christopher Coup
Apr 9 John Heynes
23 Dorothy Waren
May 2 Thos Walson
Aug 7 Wm Hole
Sept 9 Richard Stockes
23 Bridget Waren
Nov 6 Anthony Leson


Mar 25 Robt Wilbore
Apr 10 Joan Wilson
May 20 Goodeth Towill*
June 29 Alice Wilbore
Sept 16 Agnes Brooke
23 Petronella Hole
Feb 2 Joan Waren
Apr 2 Grace Asbey
May 2 Agnes Wright
……… S Thos Hole
July 21 Richard Sherwood
23 Christopher Waren
Sept 3 John Westell
11 Richard Wortley
12 Thos Holmes
24 Francis Aisbey
Oct 1 John Brooke
Nov 17 Henry Allin
Dec 15 Alice Bayly
Dec 24 Isabel Maret
Jan 18 Ursula Tayler
Mar 14 Ellen Wilbore
Aug 15 Agnes Mader
16 Margery Stockes
16 Alice Stockes
23 Christopher Curtis
Sept 19 Eliz Mullans
19 Ursula Thresham
29 Eliz Wright
Oct 12 John Bringham
12 Agnes Stafford
31 Alice Waren
Dec 17 Robt Stukley
Jan 11 Christopher Adison
16 Christopher Johnson
Feb 21 Jane Rideforth
Apr 11 Wm Sherwood
21 John Wilkinson
25 Wm Hole
May 20 Peter Heynes
June 21 Wm Brakes
26 John Westell
Oct 15 John Edns
Dec 1 Dorothy Waren
8 Christopher Tayler
Jan 5 Alice Story


Mar 30 Alice Rideforth
June 11 John Edns
Aug 4 Christopher & William Wilbore
12 Ellen Bankes
19 Ralph Bayly
21 Agnes Pickeringe
Nov 4 John Westell
7 Thos Stockes
7 Agnes Holmes
14 Thos Johnson
14 Ellen Edns
21 Wm Stukley
Jan 16 Wm Marrit
16 John Etten
17 John Story
Mar 12 James Rideford
17 Cuthbert Sherwode
18 Joan West
Apr 22 Robt Hole
May 28 Eliz* Stafford
June 25 Rose Ives
July 10 Wm Wortley
17 Alice Blaby
Sept 9 Ellen Adison
30 Thos Tayler
Oct 14 Eliz Vostell
22 Robt Jackson
Nov 10 Eliz Brookes
16 Joan Hakeman
22 Joan Wright
Jan 24 Ellen Ingram*
26 Agnes Wullans*
Feb 2 Agnes Edns
9 Timothy Waren
28 Wm Warin
17 Richard Cronkes
May 8 Margerie Suke
Aug 10 Margaret Marret
26 Margaret M.nneres*
Oct 28 Robert Ives
Nov 16 Eliz Brisco
Jan 13* Thos Brookes
14 Wm Blaby
16 Christopher Bate
27 Thos Wilbore
Feb 11 Thos Atkinson
Apr 13 Mary Holledge
May 9 John Wright
June 8 Wm Herhet*
13 Agnes Story


Aug 1 Alice Barbar
10 Edward Tayler
Oct 8 Richard Jackson
14 Robt Waren
19 Alice Hole
17 Jane Edns
Feb 18 Dorothy Hakman
21 John Umfrey
26 Margaret Stukley
Aug 2 Joan Tayler
28 Richard Brooke
31 Agnes Ives
Sept 4 Jane Sherwoode
26 Robt Wright
30 Thos Stafford
Oct 27 Thos Waren
Nov 9 Alice Westell
Dec 22 Wm Crookes
Jan 12 Dorothy Tayler
18 John Wilson
Feb 8 Alice Edith
16 Ellen Waren
Mar 2 Robt Mullons
4 Isabel Wilbore
Mar 29 Agnes Mullans
Apr 10 Ellen Manners
22 Jane Barbar
25 Isabel Story
June 18 Wm Waren
24 Eliz Freeman
July 21 Grace Ives
28 Agnes Wortley
28 n.g. Milner
Aug 7 Richard Tayler
21 Ellen Edwards
24 John Bernauld
Sept 7 Joan Bate
Oct 17 Ralph Brookes
Dec 9 Abraham Hely
Jan 16 Grace Stukley
May 29 Eve Tiplady
31 Grace Sargeant
Aug 14 Isabel Sherewoode
Sept 18 Margaret Hole
Oct 3 Jane Brooke
13 Ellen Milner
Nov 10 Wm Umfrey
Dec 12 Dorothy Blaby
25 John Rideford
Jan 1 John Hall
1 John Wilson
1 Rob Stretton
20 Eliz Holledge
29 Thos Ives


Feb 2 Eliz Edns
Mar 6 Margaret Edns
21 Thos Thorne
Mar 29 Katherine Mills
July 1 John Jackson
Oct 10 John Hole
29 Thos Manners
Nov 2 Silvester Willans
10 Adam and Margaret Brookes
11 Eliz Wortly
25 Wm Waringe
Jan 20 Wm Tayler
Feb 6 Thos Bate
8 Jacob Hely
12 Susan Wilbore
Mar 10 John Johnson
May 31 Agnes Ley d John
Aug 12 Ellen Stafford
Sept 9 Grace Westell
28 Margaret Hakman
Nov 25 Margaret Jackson
Sept 25 Richard Fletcher
Feb 10 Lettice Manfeild
Mar 3 Ananyan Milner
July 12 Zachery Curtes
Oct 26 Richard s Christopher Clarke
27 Richard   Deme*
Nov 8 Mary Ley
Dec 10 Dorothy Warin
Jan 26 Dorothy Ives
Feb 23 Bernard Maners
(an illegible entry)
May 24 Robt Curtis
24 Wm Crookes
June 24 Artin Stockes
27 Robt Halpeny
July 25 Wm Waren
Sept 20 Wm s Robt Brookes
20 Eliz Wortley
Oct 2 Joan Segrave
6 Thos Umfrey
15 Dorothy Wilbore
Nov 22 Alice Hole
Dec 6 Wm Hely
6 Eliz Tiplady
10 Wm Heginbothn
20 Sara Johnson
21 Jane Waren
28 Richard Tayler
Feb 9 Grace d John Ley


Feb 16 Bernard Wilbore
Mar 2 Eliz Dale
4 Gilbert Barnat
13 Jan Waren
Mar 27 Jane Ive
27 Francis Clarke
Apr 1 Andrew Westell
20 Wm Yates
May 20 Eliz Atkin
July 26 Jane Stafford
Aug 20 Ralph Brisco
29 Christopher Sergeant
Oct 3 Jonas s Cuthbert Milner
15 Alice Blaby
30 Peter s Wm Wilson
Dec 9 Wm s Wm Edis
Jan 29 John s Robt Brookes
Mar 6 Susan d Wm Brookes
11 Christopher s James Jackson
Mar 26 Jane Wilson
Apr 10 Christopher Bower s Nicholas
May 16 Silvester Stockes
June 5 Faith d Robt Gorton
July 28 Richard s Richard Wilbore
Sept 24 Anne Medcalfe
Nov 9 Silvester s Robt Saunders
13 Frances d John Heginbothn
20 Eliz d Wm Waren
Dec 25 Thos s Robt Halpeny
Jan 12 Johm s John Ley
15 Joan d Christopher Clarke
Feb 5 Thos s Thos Waren
Mar 31 Margaret d Richard Tiplady
Apr 24 Wm s John Hodgson
May 27 Wm s Richard Segrave
31 Eleanor d Thos Wilbore
June 30 Eliz d John Wollans
July 7 Emme d Wm Barbar
11 Silvester s John Robertes
24 Richard s Richard Ives
Aug 24 Christopher s Christopher Pighehell*
Sept 1 Joan d Robt Gorton
23 John s James Sargeant
Mar 9 Denise* Halpeny
Apr 6 Eleanor s Nicholas Bower
20 Philip s Cuthbert Miller
21 Christopher s Wm Wilson
Aug 21 Robt s Hengh* Barnard
May 26 John bastard s Margerie Oldham (Oldam)


June 26 Margery d Richard Segrave
30 Agnes d Richard Tiplady
Aug 8 Jane d John Westell
Sept 1 Joan d Thos Dale
14 Mary and Grace Johnson
22 Christopher s Christopher Clarke
22 Anne d Wm Waren
Oct 27 Nicholas s Robt Stockes
Nov 3 Bridget d John Heginbotham
13 Steven s Steven Bemrose
24 Jane d Richard Wilbore
Dec 25 Robt s Wm Wilson
26 Eliz Brookes d Robt
Jan 2 Sarah Sargeant d Percy
8 Alice d Richard Metcalfe
19 Alice d Wm Brookes
Apr 7 Richard s John Ley
27 Margaret d Joan Wortley
Aug 19 Walter s Wm FItzwillams, Esq
Sept 12 John s John Robertes
Oct 26 Mary d Cuthbert Miller
31 Jane d Thos Parker
Dec 2 Peter s Peter Tomley
Jan 25 Mary d Thos Wilbore
Feb 11 Thos s Thos Jackson
16 Robt s Robt Umfrey
Apr 14 Joan d Goodlake Russell
June 28 John s Robt Halpeny
July 12 Agnes d Robt Bordman
Aug 4 Agnes d Thos Duke
9 Agnes d James Sargeant
Nov 6 Richard s Henry Humfrey
27 Robt s George Needham
Oct 11 Griffin s Wm Wilson
Nov 7 Sarah d Wm Wortley
17 John s           Wilson   of Castor
Jan 11 Griffin s               Wilbore
Feb 11 Nicholas s john Adison of Belsi..s
15 Anne d John Ley
Mar 6 Eliz d Wm Palmer
12 Christopher s Percy Sargeant
12 Robt s Wm Miller
Mar 29 Ellen d George Yates
Apr 10 Richard s Philip Saunders
21 Anne d Richard Segrave
June 5 Thos s Steven Bemrose
12 David s Richard Tiplady
June 20 John s Laurence Joyce
Aug 10 Dorothy d Wm Mihell
28 Margery d Barnard (Hugh)
Oct 2 John s Wm Barbar
2 Ellen d Thos Dale
2 Dorothy d Robt Miller